How to cash out electronic money. Methods for withdrawing funds from the Stoloto wallet

19.07.2023 Marketing

The tax burden at the initial stage can be seriously reduced by legal methods. A simple and effective method is to buy a patent. But it is limited: only for individual entrepreneurs with a strict number of income, types of activities and employees. With a patent, services cannot be provided to legal entities.

How else to optimize taxes?

Tax office's opinion

If the activity is not registered, it is an offense.

The law of the Russian Federation considers an entrepreneur to be someone who constantly receives money from property, goods or services. The key point is regular profit. The sale of an apartment or car, a reward for a one-time service, is a one-time income that does not require registration of an entrepreneur. Payments from affiliate networks, sales of goods, ongoing paid services are entrepreneurial activities that the state “wants to know” about.

Regular bank transfers to current account individual or plastic cards - proof of multiple income receipts. Banks, on their own initiative, block “suspicious” transactions and report them to the tax service. The Law “On the National Payment System” equates electronic money to non-cash transfers, so payment messages also “scream” about entrepreneurial activity. The exception is the regular rental of your own housing and transport, as well as teaching and consulting. Here an individual pays 13% per year, and in this case it is also more profitable to register an individual entrepreneur.

Punishment for violations

An entrepreneur will be punished for lack of registration and non-payment of taxes - administratively or criminally. The maximum amount of liability is imprisonment for 6 years, and the form depends on the violation, income, and the amount of hidden tax.


Amount of underpaid taxes

Possible penalties

Administrative and criminal liability

Lack of state registration

Up to 1.5 million rubles

A fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of salary (other income) for a period of up to two years;

180-240 hours of compulsory work;

Arrest up to 6 months.

Over 1.5 million rubles

Fine from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles or in the amount of salary (other income) for a period of up to three years;

Imprisonment for up to 5 years with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of salary (other income) for a period of up to six months.

Administrative responsibility

Tax evasion on a large scale

5 million rub. for 3 years or less, if this does not exceed 25% of the amount of tax payable;

The same, but intentionally.

Fine 20% of unpaid tax;

Fine 40% of unpaid tax.

Criminal liability

Large-scale tax evasion

From 5 million rubles. for 3 years, while the amount of arrears exceeds 25% of the tax payable

Fine from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. or in the amount of salary (income) for 1-2 years. If the individual entrepreneur pays taxes, penalties and fines in full, there will be no criminal punishment for the “first time”;

Forced labor for up to 2 years with/without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years;

Arrest up to 6 months.

From 15 million rubles.

Imprisonment for up to 2 years with/without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years

Tax evasion by a group of persons by prior conspiracy

From 5 million rubles. for 3 years, while the amount of arrears exceeds 25% of the tax payable;

From 15 million rubles.

Fine from 200 thousand to 500 thousand rubles. or in the amount of salary (income) for 1-3 years;

Forced labor for up to 5 years with/without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years;

Imprisonment for up to 6 years with/without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years.

Tax evasion on a particularly large scale

From 15 million rubles. for 3 years, while the amount of arrears exceeds 50% of the tax payable;

From 45 million rubles.

What about others?

The tax system of neighboring countries - Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus - differs from the Russian one. According to Article 164 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences, registration of individual entrepreneurs is strictly mandatory. A freelancer risks a fine of up to 8,500 hryvnia and confiscation of all money earned. There is also criminal liability.

Individual entrepreneurs who:

  • use hired labor on a permanent basis;
  • have from business activities a total annual income, calculated in accordance with tax legislation, in an amount higher than the non-taxable amount of total annual income established for individuals by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Under Article 295 Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus, individuals not registered as individual entrepreneurs, has the right to independently, without involving other individuals, carry out certain types of activities under labor and civil law contracts. Moreover, an entrepreneur without registration bears full responsibility for business activities under obligations, contracts and transactions and cannot refer to lack of registration.

"Invisible" amounts

You can freelance without registration and without conflicts with the law at the very beginning with low income. Their exact size is not indicated anywhere, but there is a hint in the law “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” dated August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ. Banks are required to report to Rosfinmonitoring any transactions over 600 thousand rubles. This is what the “ceiling” looks like for those who reduce the amount of the transaction and remain in the shadows for tax authorities and other authorities. The “ceiling” is fragile due to banks that block accounts with suspicious transactions.

It is not only the size of the operations that is important, but also their regularity. If an individual's account accepts a small amount of money every day, it risks being blocked and without official documents, the funds will be lost. Sooner or later you will have to explain the source of your income. We recommend registering and “sleep peacefully.”

After the release of the federal law “On the National Payment System” dated June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ, electronic money has new subtleties.

Optimization of work in electronic payment systems

“White” LLCs or individual entrepreneurs use a corporate electronic wallet linked to a current account. All funds received pass through it, which are reflected in accounting as non-cash payments and are fully taken into account when paying taxes.

Conduct business activities through individual accounts in payment systems. WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, PayРal, Neteller - everyone can easily open an electronic wallet in any system, and the Capitalist service will allow you to withdraw earnings to their card and then withdraw them without tax losses.


After the release of the law “On the National Payment System”, the units of account of the popular WebMoney (WM) became property rights, or securities with additional taxation. We have already written about this. Therefore, it is better for organizations not to work with WM, unlike individuals.

Let's look at the nuances using an example. Input data:

  • entrepreneurial activity - affiliate programs;
  • receipts to WM wallet;
  • transfers every few days.

Question 1: “Is accepting payments on Webmoney subject to tax?”

WM is not electronic money, and income is generated at the time of withdrawal or cashing out. In Yandex.Money or Qiwi, the situation is legally different. The Law “On the National Payment System” equates electronic money to non-cash. All payments by entrepreneurs are considered income from the moment they appear on the electronic wallet.

In WM, tax control begins when funds are withdrawn to a bank account or bank card. Banks report such transactions to the tax service and block particularly “suspicious” ones until the reasons are clarified. It is possible that WM itself will cooperate with tax authorities.

Answer 1: accept money on WM without hassles with the tax authorities, make transfers within the system to other wallets, pay for purchases.

Question 2: “How to withdraw money from WM?”

Also, intermediaries - dealers or exchange offices - will help you with the withdrawal of WM. You send money to their WM wallet, and they transfer the funds to your bank account or give you cash. The second option is better, because if the current account of an individual receives money from legal entity, this is treated as income.

Intermediaries act legally at a tariff: 3% + system commission 0.8%, but not more than 1,500 rubles. Contact reliable intermediaries with the following characteristics:

  • formal certificate and identification with online document upload;
  • requirement of a passport to verify data with a certificate so that it cannot be transferred to another person.

Answer 2: withdraw funds through intermediaries by cashing out.

Question 3: “Are there any restrictions?”

The WM payment system formally allows significant transactions to be carried out through an electronic wallet. She leaves this up to the discretion of the users. Yandex.Money and Qiwi prohibit using your wallet for commercial activities.

If the volume of transactions is significant, use “safety nets”. No one excludes cooperation between tax authorities and WM in the near future. Therefore it is reasonable:

  • make operations less than 100 thousand rubles;
  • create several wallets for trusted people;
  • use different exchange offices so as not to be exposed;
  • not only accept money into your wallet, but also use it to pay for Internet services, including those not related to business activities.

Answer 3: There are no restrictions yet, but it is useful to be on the safe side.

Yandex.Money (YAD)

After the release of the law “On the National Payment System,” Yad specifically explained on his website in “Questions and Answers”: “Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs cannot accept payments to a Yandex.Money wallet.”

Commercial activities on YaD violate the rules of this payment system. Your e-wallet may be blocked. The YaD security service is quite picky and sometimes shows zeal even for unimportant reasons. What opportunities are there? Registering as an anonymous user only allows you to pay for purchases. Full-fledged work without personal identification is impossible. Another option is to register several wallets for trusted people for transfers small amounts.

It is also a good idea to use poison for its intended purpose, i.e. make purchases in stores and services. In this case, the wallet will not attract poison workers. Similar advice can be given for bank cards.

Kiwi (QIWI) works in a similar way and considers wallets only for individuals.

Taxes for “white” online businesses

Be careful! We do not recommend using tax optimization methods. The online sphere is not yet well regulated, but the process is active, and tax service from time to time “covers up” these methods. We advise you to insure yourself in advance and comply with tax laws.

Withdrawal in real money

We will separate regular cash withdrawals of small amounts (up to 100 thousand rubles per month) and large ones (from 1 million rubles).

Let's consider cashing out from electronic payment systems. We withdraw up to 100 thousand rubles per month.

Transfer method




Safety in points

Privacy in points

To a bank account

or card

From a few minutes to several days

Money transfers


Intermediaries and exchange offices

No limits

Acquaintances (barter)

Up to 20-30 thousand


There is an option to withdraw money through a payment system account. For example, Capitalist allows wallet owners to transfer funds to their account to later withdraw them.

Large cash out

To regularly cash out large amounts - 100-500 thousand rubles per month - you can use different methods. Working with payment systems here comes down to splitting amounts and wallets. A good option is to work with an intermediary for cash withdrawal, especially for amounts over 1 million per month.

Regular cash out

This is a classic cash withdrawal from company accounts, not from electronic wallets.

The tax authorities declared these schemes illegal:

  • “fly-by-night” – temporary organizations for cashing out;
  • “spacers” – organizations between “one-day” companies and the main company.

Therefore we do not consider them.

Individual entrepreneurs have the right to freely withdraw funds from circulation, cash or non-cash. His business assets and personal property are not separated. Also, an individual entrepreneur can donate funds to individuals without increasing them tax base according to personal income tax. Let's use this:

1. Choose a friendly individual entrepreneur. It is important that the individual entrepreneur actually provides services for your organization.

2. We check the requirements for the operation:

  • business purpose;
  • economic feasibility of expenses;
  • documentary evidence of expenses;
  • lack of interdependence of participants.

3. Choose the right one tax regime for individual entrepreneurs.

4. We leave a significant part of the income with the individual entrepreneur and withdraw it through cash.

5. Select a cash out option:

  • don't pass cash proceeds(no more than 100 thousand rubles);
  • transfer via check or individual entrepreneur card with the purpose of the operation “for the expenses of the entrepreneur.” The bank may request supporting documents for the use of previously issued funds and refuse the transaction;
  • translate to your debit card an individual;
  • transfer to your individual account, preferably a deposit account.

6. We transfer the funds back to the main company. We formalize this legally through a gift or loan agreement.

The Qiwi electronic payment system is in demand among Russian clients due to its versatility, accessibility, and ease of use. In the Qiwi system, you can not only make various financial transactions: if necessary, you can also cash out money in the system. As a standard, you can transfer money from Qiwi to a bank card. If necessary, you can also send funds by money transfer and withdraw cash at a branch convenient to you. We are ready to talk about all the available methods for withdrawing funds from Qiwi wallets.

How to withdraw money from Qiwi to a card?

In order to send money to a card via the Internet, you need to log into your wallet using your username and password. In the interface on the main page, select “Withdraw”. After this, the system will send you to a page where you will need to choose how you want to receive your hard-earned money. Are you planning to send money to a bank card? Then you need to determine which system it works in and select the appropriate option - Visa or MasterCard. The system will provide you with a transfer card, which you will need to fill in with data (bank, card number, etc.). Please note that when withdrawing to a card Russian bank a commission is charged in the amount of 2% of the transfer amount, as well as 20 rubles.

Withdraw money from Qiwi to a Sberbank card

In order to send money from your Qiwi wallet to Sberbank, you need to click on the “Money Transfers” button in the “Withdraw” section of your wallet and select the affiliation of your card (whether it will be a Visa or MasterCard system). After this, a special form will open in which you need to enter the amount money transfer and Sberbank card number. Once you fill out this form, click the “Confirm” button. To confirm the transfer, the system will prompt you to enter a special code, which will be sent to the phone number linked to the wallet in the form of an SMS message. The money itself will arrive at Sberbank within 2-3 minutes.

How to withdraw money from Qiwi without commission?

The Qiwi electronic payment system is in demand among Russian clients due to its versatility, accessibility, and ease of use. In the Qiwi system, you can not only make various financial transactions: if necessary, you can also cash out money in the system.

You can “bypass” the commission when withdrawing funds from your Qiwi wallet if you have a Tinkoff Credit Systems (or TKS) bank card. In addition, you must have an identified mobile wallet to which your card is linked.

To withdraw money, you need to create a corresponding application. And also create a special account in the TKS online bank virtual card– you don’t need to pay for it. This card is linked to your main bank account and is used to pay for purchases online.

Log in to your mobile wallet. Select the “Top up your wallet from a bank card” section, enter the details of your Qiwi wallet and make a transfer. After the money gets from your Qiwi wallet to the virtual card (there is no commission for such a transfer), you can simply send it to a regular TKS Bank card.

How to withdraw money from Qiwi without a card?

If you do not have a card, you can cash out funds from your Qiwi wallet using one of the money transfer systems: WesternUnion, MoneySend (from MasterCard), Contact, Anelik or Unistream. Of course, when withdrawing money, you need to clarify which banks operate these money systems so that you can quickly receive them. Naturally, you will have to pay a commission for a money transfer, the amount of which will depend on the payment system you choose. However, you can get money quickly and without a card.

How to withdraw money from Qiwi cash?

To receive cash from your Qiwi wallet, you should make sure to link a VISA plastic card to the wallet itself. This option is convenient because card servicing is free, you can easily withdraw cash from the card at any ATM or manage funds through the website. It will be possible to top up the card for free and use it all over the world. Naturally, after you create a VISA card and link it to your wallet, it will take time for your application to be processed. So. If you plan to withdraw money from Qiwi in the near future, you will need to link your card in advance.

How to withdraw money from your phone to Qiwi?

If you already have a Qiwi wallet, you need to go to your personal interface and select the “Top up” category in it and then “Transfer money from mobile phone" You will be asked to select the mobile operator you use and where you plan to transfer funds from. Moreover, each operator takes its own commission for transferring funds. Which one is indicated in the interface. Have you chosen a mobile operator? Now you need to determine what amount you want to transfer, enter it in the appropriate field and click the “Transfer” button. The system will certainly prompt you to verify that the entered data is correct and then confirm the payment.

Advice from In the interface of your own Qiwi wallet, you can view what operations are performed on it in the “Reports” section. You can also print it there if needed. payment order about one or another completed financial transaction.


If you want to cash out the funds in your Yandex.Money account, then you can withdraw through the linked Alfa-Bank, OTKRITIE Bank, RosEvroBank. In this case, funds are credited in no more than 30 minutes, and the transaction is charged in the amount of 3% of the withdrawal amount.

You can also withdraw cash from the Yandex.Money system using the CONTACT, Migom, and RNKO RIB money transfer systems. To withdraw from these systems, fill out a simple transfer form, indicating your full name, country, region, city, convenient point for receiving cash, full name. recipient of the payment (any person whose details you provide can receive the payment). The commission at such points will be more than 3% of the specified amount, since the Yandex.Money commission is added to the money transfer system’s own commission, and you will be able to receive cash in 1-3 business days after submitting the application.

You can also transfer funds available in your Yandex.Money account to a ruble account in any Russian bank. To make a transfer, enter your payment and bank details in the appropriate form. For sending funds to a bank account, a commission is charged in the amount of 3% of the transferred amount and an additional 15 rubles for each transaction. You can withdraw cash from the specified bank account 3-7 business days after filling out the form.

You can cash out electronic money from the [email protected] system by withdrawing it to any bank account. To do this, fill out the appropriate form, indicating your payment information and bank details. A commission of 2% of the transferred amount and another 25 rubles for each transfer are charged for the operation. You will be able to receive the money in your hands within 3 business days after submitting your application.

In order to withdraw money from a Webmoney wallet, you must have a formal certificate with confirmed passport and TIN information. Confirmation of documents is carried out by a moderator after uploading scanned pages to the Webmoney website. If your certificate gives you the right to withdraw funds from the system, then
you can cash out electronic money in a convenient way.

The Webmoney system allows you to withdraw money by postal transfer, which will be generated 2 days after the request. The commission for sending money by mail is 3% of the total amount. Within 24 hours after the request, you can receive funds to your bank or card account with a commission of at least 1% of the transfer amount.

Through money transfer systems CONTACT, UniStream, Anelik, ALLURE, Zolotaya Korona you can withdraw money in just half an hour, and for this method of cashing out a commission of 0.50 to 3.00% of the requested amount is charged. To withdraw funds in the Webmoney system using any of these methods, select the appropriate method for withdrawing electronic money and fill in the payment information with the required details in the form that appears.

Participation in even one of the popular lotteries on the Stoloto website often ends in winning for people. Some have played in Gosloto and know all the possibilities of using the money received. It will be useful for a novice user to learn how to withdraw money from a Stoloto wallet. To do this, he needs to register on the official Stoloto website and connect an electronic wallet. A mobile application will help ensure constant access to the site.

Methods for withdrawing funds from the Stoloto wallet

You should start by transferring the winnings received on the site to the Stoloto wallet. And from it you can carry out operations to withdraw money to:

  • bank card;
  • electronic payment systems;
  • mobile phone.

In addition, you can transfer money using free details or make an online transfer through the Unistream system.

You must receive your winnings within six months after the draw. Methods of receiving money will depend on the amount:

  1. Up to 100,000 rubles will be transferred to a Stoloto wallet, issued in cash, or transferred to a bank card or e-wallet.
  2. From 100,000 to 1,000,000 rubles will be issued by bank transfer upon application from the user, which must be sent to the official representative of the company.
  3. Over 1,000,000 rubles can only be processed at the central office in Moscow.

In order to withdraw funds and transfer them to external resources, you will have to pay a small commission. It is installed by the payment system. A commission fee will be charged for almost all withdrawal methods. This can only be avoided by sending money to the Unified Wallet.

Receiving cash

Important! It is possible to receive winnings in the form of cash at a retail ticket sales point. But this right can only be exercised by those persons who purchased the ticket for cash.

Each point of sale can have its own limit on cash withdrawal. It ranges from 2,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles. Therefore, if you win big, you will have to look for a seller who can cash out a successful ticket. If the ticket was purchased online or at a terminal, then the winnings can only be received by bank transfer.

If the user account is not confirmed, you can only top up the mobile phone account of any mobile operator from the Stoloto wallet. To do this, you should personal account:

Officially, the withdrawal period can range from 5 minutes to 48 hours. But usually they arrive on your mobile phone account on the same day.

Money from the Stoloto wallet can be withdrawn to MasterCard and Visa cards of Russian banks. To do this. need to:

  1. Log in to your personal account and go through identification.
  2. On the payment method selection page, indicate your bank card.

The user will be charged a fee for performing this operation. This service is not available to a user who has not passed authorization.

You can withdraw and transfer money to such electronic payment services as QIWI wallet, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Wallet Unified. This option is available only to an authorized user. To perform an operation from a Stoloto wallet, you must: Those who are lucky enough to win a big win will have to visit the company’s central office. It is located at the address: Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, building 43, building 3. The nearest metro station is “Textilshchiki”. You should bring your passport with you. At the office, you will need to fill out an application for the issuance of money, indicating the details of the personal bank account to which the funds should be transferred. Therefore, you also need to have them with you. A company employee will check the documents, and after a few days the winnings will be credited to the recipient’s account.

You can receive your winnings in cash at the company office. But the terms of issue may depend on the amount. On the day of application, up to 100,000 rubles will be given out. Winning tickets worth more than 100,000 rubles will be subject to additional verification. The company does not recommend receiving money in the amount of more than 1,000,0000 rubles only by non-cash methods. To remove them, you must first agree on a visit date.

On the Internet, various services exist and are developed every year that allow users of the World Wide Web to carry out various financial transactions.

The most popular services:

  • Qiwi;
  • WebMoney;
  • "Yandex money".

Everyone who is going to have an electronic wallet thinks about ways to cash out the money that will be stored there.

The article will discuss how to withdraw money from an electronic wallet in cash.

Qiwi e-wallet

Qiwi is the most famous electronic wallet. It gives you complete freedom of action: using this wallet you can purchase various goods online, pay for all kinds of services and make money transfers.

Those who want to receive their funds in cash from this wallet will be interested in the following question: “How to withdraw money from the Qiwi e-wallet?” There are several ways, which we will discuss below.

Transfer to a bank account

This withdrawal method will not take much time. To do this you need:

  • log into your Qiwi account and select “To bank account” in the withdrawal section;
  • indicate how much money you want to withdraw;
  • click the "Pay" button.

The transaction fee is at least 100 rubles or 1.6% of the transfer amount (for Sberbank accounts). The maximum withdrawal amount is 50,000 rubles.

Transfer to a bank card

Transferring funds to “plastic” does not take much time. You need:

  • log into your Qiwi account and select “To bank card” in the withdrawal section;
  • enter the withdrawal amount and plastic card details;
  • click the "Pay" button.

If you choose this method of withdrawing funds, then keep in mind that you can withdraw no more than 599,000 rubles from the system every month. A commission will be taken from each transfer - 2.5% of the amount plus 50 rubles.

Withdrawal via money transfers

For withdrawal Money this way you need:

  • log into your Qiwi account and in the withdrawal section select “Using a money transfer system”;
  • indicate the required data and amount for withdrawal;
  • click the "Pay" button.

The commission for this withdrawal method is 2% plus 50 rubles. You can withdraw only 15,000 rubles at a time.

Qiwi Visa Card

Currently, this is the easiest option for cashing out funds. The card balance is equal to the balance of the Qiwi e-wallet. You can pay with a Qiwi card in stores without commission.

Cash can be withdrawn from an ATM of any bank with a commission of 2% plus 50 rubles.

To issue a Qiwi card, you need:

  • go to the section for creating an application for creating a card;
  • find the item "Purchase of a plastic card";
  • fill in all the data.

The card will be sent as soon as possible.

Electronic wallet "Yandex.Money"

"Yandex.Money" is one of the most popular electronic wallets in Russia. You cannot use it to pay bills, pay fines or repay loans.

Plastic card "Yandex"

Yandex is not a bank, but the company allows you to issue a plastic card from which you can withdraw cash from any ATM that accepts MasterCard.

In order to receive a card, you just need to create an application in your personal account on the Yandex.Money service. You can receive the card at the post office you specified when creating your application. Card maintenance costs 300 rubles per year, it is valid for three years.

Transferring money to a card is quite simple:

  • select the “Withdraw” menu item in your personal account;
  • Click "Yandex.Money Bank Card"

Cashless payment by card - no commission. When withdrawing cash from an ATM, a commission of 3.5% plus 15 rubles is charged.

Transfer to a bank plastic card

Withdrawing money to plastic can be done with the card linked to Yandex.Money or without linking.

You can link cards from the following banks to your e-wallet:

  • "Promsvyazbank"
  • "Alfa Bank".
  • Bank opening".
  • "Tinkoff Bank".

You can withdraw up to 100,000 rubles daily to a linked card. Withdrawal commission - 3%. Linking a card is not mandatory.

The functionality of the Yandex.Money service allows you to withdraw funds to any plastic card, if it is not tied to a wallet. To do this you need:

  • select the menu item "Withdrawal of funds to a bank card";
  • enter the withdrawal amount and plastic card details.

The commission for this method of withdrawing money is 3% plus 15 rubles. The withdrawal amount is up to 75,000 rubles.

Transfer money to a bank account

The withdrawal algorithm is similar to the previous method, only here you need to enter not bank card details, but the following data:

  • Account number;
  • your last name, first name and patronymic;
  • BIC of the bank where you will receive money;
  • purpose of payment.

The commission for this withdrawal method is 3% of the transfer amount plus 15 rubles. You can withdraw no more than 100,000 rubles at a time, and no more than 6 million rubles per month.

Cash withdrawal via money transfer system

Finance can be withdrawn from the Yandex electronic wallet using the following money transfer systems:

  • "Idram";
  • Western Union;
  • RNKO "RIB";
  • Contact.

The commission is the same as for previous methods of withdrawing money - 3% plus 15 rubles.


Webmoney is popular in our country. The functionality of this system is unlimited - with the help of this wallet it is possible to make almost all payments. Moreover, the system has good protection of personal data and finances.

Below we will discuss how to withdraw money from a Webmoney electronic wallet.

Transfer funds to your bank card

You can do this as follows:

  • in the "Finance" section, select the menu item "Withdraw to a bank card";
  • Enter your card details and transfer amount.

Funds will arrive within an hour. The commission for the operation is from 2 to 3.5% plus 35 rubles.

Withdrawing money to a Russian bank account

To withdraw funds, the user must go to the "Finance" section and select "Withdrawal of funds to a bank account."

The system will automatically redirect the user to the exchange service page Here you need to use the “Sell WMR” menu item. And enter all the necessary data for transferring funds.

The transfer commission is up to 2% plus 35 rubles.

Withdrawing funds through Russian Post

In order to withdraw funds using this method, you must obtain an initial certificate.

In the "Finance" section you must select "Withdrawal of funds by postal order". Fill out all fields of the application and click the "Submit" button.

Commission - 2.3% plus 35 rubles.

Withdrawal via money transfer system

Is it possible to withdraw money from a WebMoney e-wallet using a money transfer? The answer is clear: yes. You can use the services of the following companies:

  • Western Union.
  • Unistream.
  • Anelik.

You can also make a transfer in the "Finance" section. The withdrawal algorithm is similar to transferring funds to a bank account.

Commission - from 2% (depending on the money transfer system you use) plus 35 rubles.


It doesn't matter which electronic wallet you use, it is only important to know that all your transactions with funds are protected by the system. When withdrawing funds, you will be asked for a password from an SMS message or E-Num authorization. The system will not allow you to carry out a transaction with money until it is sure that the owner of the wallet is working with it.