Investment products in financial markets. What are investment goods

16.07.2023 Pricing

The investment products offered by Sberbank are intended for a wide range of investors - from conservative pension programs to active trading on the stock exchange using an individual investment account. What’s convenient is that most actions related to the acquisition, repayment and disposal of banking products can be carried out online using the Sberbank online system, personal account investor of the company Sberbank Asset Management and a special mobile application Sberbank Investor.

Long-term investments in Sberbank

For those who think about the future, Sberbank offers special long-term investment products for individuals associated with low risk and excellent returns.

Endowment insurance

One of these instruments is endowment life insurance. Its essence is as follows:

  • The client selects the amount he wishes to accumulate by the end of the program (from 3 to 5 years);
  • Makes payment (minimum 100 thousand rubles);
  • The payment is divided into two parts: one is invested management company into conservative instruments, the second (smaller) - into aggressive ones;
  • Once the program ends, the client receives all payments plus accumulated income.

If, during the validity of the policy, an insured event occurs to him (death, disability, etc.), then he (or his heirs) receives payment immediately.

This investment product of Sberbank allows you not only to accumulate a fairly large amount and generate a good income (in 2015, the average return on ILI programs was 10.5% per annum), but also to obtain financial protection.

Endowment insurance is a long-term investment that will allow you to strengthen financial discipline and obtain insurance protection

Pension programs

The second long-term investment option is participation in a pension program. There are two options:

  • Transfer your funded part of your pension to NPF Sberbank and receive much more income than from the State Pension Fund;
  • Provide yourself with a non-state pension by drawing up an individual savings plan.

To transfer part of your pension to a non-state pension fund, it is enough to fill out a corresponding application at the local Pension Fund (or seek help from Sberbank consultants, they will help prepare the documents).

To ensure a “second” pension, you must also enter into an agreement with NPF Sberbank and transfer additional payments to your account - from 1,500 rubles for the first time and from 500 rubles the next time. The NPF will independently invest funds and increase savings. If the money is needed earlier, then after 5 years it can be completely withdrawn without loss.

For anyone who thinks strategically, an indirect investment program is suitable - pension

Investments in metal

Another long-term investment product of Sberbank for individuals is deposits in precious metals. It is possible to purchase both real metals in the form of bars or investment coins, and to open an impersonal metal account. Today at Sberbank you can invest in gold, silver, palladium and platinum.

Conservative investment products

Sberbank also has products that have minimal risk and low profitability. They are intended for the most cautious investors who are committed to stable income.

Deposits and deposits

Sberbank’s traditional conservative investment products include deposits:

  • Save - with a rate of up to 5.15% in rubles;
  • Top up - with a rate of up to 4.62% in rubles;
  • Manage - with a rate of up to 4.32% in rubles;
  • Give Life (a special account to help children with cancer) – up to 5% per annum, opens for 1 year;
  • Savings account – up to 2.3% per annum, perpetual account.

The Save, Replenish and Manage deposits are valid for up to 3 years, they can be opened in the branch and in Sberbank online, the rest - only in branches.

Savings certificates

An excellent alternative to deposits that cannot be gifted or pledged is a Sberbank investment product for individuals such as a savings certificate. This is a security issued for a period of up to 3 years. Sberbank makes payments to bearer in accordance with the yield indicated in the certificate after its expiration. Certificate parameters:

  • Denomination – from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Profitability – up to 7.2% per annum;
  • Deposits or withdrawals are not provided.

Attention: savings certificates do not participate in the deposit insurance system!


Another option for conservative investments is federal loan bonds for the population. This investment product of Sberbank is intended exclusively for individuals and is sold, in addition to Sberbank, only at VTB under the same conditions. OFZ-n is a security issued by the Ministry of Finance, payments on it are guaranteed by the state. Bond parameters:

  • Denomination – 1000 rubles;
  • Recommended repayment period – 3 years;
  • Coupon income – increases from 7.5% to 10.5% per annum (if the bond has been held for more than 3 years);
  • payment frequency is once every six months.

OFZ-n can be purchased until March 2019. At any time, the bond can be sold back to the bank at par, and after a year you can also receive the accumulated coupon income.

Banking trust management

Those investors who want to receive returns above the market and are willing to take risks can transfer funds to Sberbank for trust management.

Among the investment products offered by Sberbank, one of the most popular remote control programs is the protected investment program. There are two options available:

  • Regular with payment of a guaranteed amount and potential income at the end of the term;
  • Coupon – with gradual payment of income.

In accordance with the rules of the regular program, an investor can invest in one of the five largest world markets - real estate, gold, bonds, new technologies or the oil sector. Program parameters:

  • Contribution – from 100 thousand rubles;
  • Duration – up to 10 years;
  • Currency – rubles or dollars;
  • It is possible to partially withdraw or add funds.

The coupon program provides for investments in shares of foreign companies. The investor receives a return if the portfolio has appreciated in value and a nominal amount of the investment if the asset price has fallen or remained the same.

Another Sberbank investment product intended exclusively for individuals is a ready-made strategy for an individual investment account. A bank client can open an IIS and receive tax preferences:

  • Deduction for contribution (return up to 13% of the amount of funds deposited into the IIS);
  • Or a deduction on income.

Sberbank allows you to trade independently on an IIS or choose one of the ready-made strategies:

  • Ruble bonds – funds are invested in OFZ and corporate bonds;
  • Dollar bonds – Eurobonds and bonds of foreign corporations are purchased.

Program parameters:

  • Duration – from 3 years;
  • Amount – minimum 100 thousand rubles, maximum – 1 million rubles per year;
  • Withdrawal and replenishment are not possible.

Other popular banking investment products of Sberbank are mutual funds. They are managed by Sberbank Asset Management. Today you can invest in 21 open mutual funds of Sberbank, choosing between conservative, moderate and aggressive funds.

Investment terms:

  • Recommended investment period – from 1 year;
  • The minimum amount is 15 thousand rubles when opening in the office and 1 thousand rubles when opening on the Sberbank Asset Management website;
  • Target profitability is from 13% to 27% per annum.

To obtain stable profits, investors are advised to assemble a balanced and maximally diversified portfolio of mutual funds.

Brokerage services for individuals

Sberbank's previous investment products can be conditionally classified as passive investments, since work with assets is carried out by outsiders - professional managers. However, if the client wishes to make active investments, i.e. independently enter the market and receive a nominally unlimited profitability, he has such an opportunity.

Sberbank provides access to the International Moscow Currency Exchange in all three main sections: the stock, derivatives and over-the-counter markets. An investor just needs to sign an application for opening a brokerage account or IIS at the branch and top up the account in any convenient way. There are two options for submitting applications:

  • By phone;
  • Remotely using a QUIK terminal or mobile application.

Commissions for working on the stock exchange:

  • In the main section – from 0.006% to 0.165%;
  • On the derivatives market - 0.5 rubles for opening a transaction and 10 rubles for forced liquidation of a position;
  • On the over-the-counter market – 0.17%.

In addition, two more Sberbank investment products for individuals, designed to facilitate trading, have been prepared for stock market participants.

The first is the Simple Investments service. This is an automatic financial advisor developed based on the work of Nobel laureates G. Markowitz and W. Sharp. It analyzes trading on the stock market and transmits signals to traders to carry out transactions. The uniqueness of the service is that it allows the investor to create a personal financial plan online, depending on his capabilities.

The second tool is the eToro online platform, which is essentially a transaction copying service. Moreover, eToro is social network, allowing traders to communicate with each other and develop strategies for joint earnings. Newcomers to the stock market can simply follow a few professional managers to grow their capital, while experienced traders can earn additional income by allowing other investors to copy their trades.


Thus, an investor of any profile can find in Sberbank the tools that are suitable for him to increase his wealth. Sberbank's diversified investment products allow both independent trading on the MICEX and passive investment strategies. There are programs for risky and conservative investors. Most transactions are available online.

Russian banks offer their clients to master new technologies for managing personal finances, which have long been practiced in the West. In the deposit operations segment, there are completely special solutions that simultaneously combine classic deposits and other investment instruments more typical of insurance, brokerage or management companies. Such an investment portfolio can be called differently - structured, complex, or index product. Its meaning is that while one part of the client’s money is guaranteed to increase its volume, being on a bank deposit, another part of it works, for example, in a more potential (in terms of profitability) mutual fund market.

Among structured banking products, the most common are investment ones (with the obligatory purchase of shares in investment funds) or insurance ones (when the client, in parallel with a short-term bank deposit, accumulates a fairly large amount of money over a long period of decades).

If we consider a citizen’s participation in accumulative life and health insurance, it differs somewhat from traditional savings banking programs not only in its long term (from about 5, more often from 10 to 30 years). A distinctive feature here is the non-guaranteed investment income (i.e., added value), as well as the option of early payment of the amount upon the occurrence of an insured event.

The advantages of mutual investments can turn into disadvantages under unfavorable circumstances in the stock market. Therefore, the investor either risks losing profits, or, on the contrary, wins several times more than the highest deposit interest in the bank. Typically, the bank guarantees at least the return of the investment share invested in the structured product, with which shares of mutual funds are purchased. In this sense, the largest funds cooperate with the bank, which build their strategy on the market, betting on “blue chips”, i.e. for highly liquid companies in the field of production, subsoil mining, finance, energy, etc. Moreover, a bank depositor does not have to be an “advanced” investor; all decisions in the stock market are made by management companies.

Thus, by diversifying personal savings and choosing a structured product, a depositor can receive not only increased profitability in the most reliable Russian banks. Other benefits await him in the form of unlimited investment income or the opportunity for much longer-term accumulation of family finances. It should be noted that wealthy people who have been using insurance and investment instruments for a long time often turn to a structured product.


The Nomos Investment Deposit product divides the client’s funds into two parts: classic Bank deposit and mutual funds managed by Management Company "NOMOS-BANK". The investor himself decides where his shares will operate - on the stock market, bonds, gold or on an alternative developing market. To receive increased income, no less must be kept in a deposit account than in a mutual fund. Minimum for each of these two parts: 15 thousand rubles or 550 dollars or 500 euros. The deposit rate depends on the term: after a month -11.74% per annum in rubles or after 3 months - 9.89% in rubles, 5.09% in any foreign currency.

The term deposit “NOMOS-Insurance Deposit” allows you to receive an additional 13.25% in rubles and 6.6% in foreign currency, subject to the registration of an endowment life insurance policy (from 10 years) in the PPF “Generali Life Insurance”. The minimum contribution is from 60 thousand rubles or the equivalent in foreign currency.


“Investment in the future” opens after registration of an insurance policy. For insurance, you can choose one of several investment programs with different conditions for accumulation and receiving additional income. For example, long-term investment in a savings or investment policy. Here funds are deposited gradually over a long period of time. At the end of the term, the investor receives not only the planned amount, but also investment income. Another program, “Capital Management,” suggests investing in rising oil prices, RTS shares, precious metals, and the BRICS index.

The terms of a bank deposit require a minimum amount of 100 thousand rubles. The contract is concluded for 366 days. An annual return of 13.25% is paid at the end. There are no additional fees.

Russian Standard Bank

Russian Standard Management Company manages several mutual funds. The bank's depositors have the opportunity to buy shares of the Catherine the Great precious metals fund or shares of Peter I or the Mutual Fund of mixed investments "Empire" through the investment product "Fabulous Investments". This deposit combines a classic deposit with an increased interest rate and share investments.

A certain share of the client’s total funds is invested in each of these instruments. For example, 70% remains in a bank account at 11-13%, and 30% is invested in mutual funds. Or another option, when all the money is divided into two equal parts, in this case the bank account grows by a slightly larger percentage of 11.5-13.5% per annum. The specific rate depends on the period (180-720 days) and the amount, the minimum of which is 30 thousand rubles.

Investment Republican Bank

Here they offer a choice of three deposits, combining classic bank deposits and other financial solutions for capital growth. Each deposit is opened in an amount of 10 thousand rubles, for a period of one year, at 11.5-12%.

The special terms of the “First Investment” agreement suggest that the amount of interest income on the deposit is accrued at the beginning of the term with its simultaneous transfer to the brokerage account for the purchase of Mosoblbank shares. The “Second Investment” deposit obliges you to purchase an amount of at least 50 thousand rubles. shares of such reliable and large companies as Gazprom, LUKOIL, Surgutneftegaz, etc., where dividends are paid to shareholders. Finally, in the “Third Investment” deposit in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. highly liquid bonds and shares are purchased through mutual funds.

Bank Uralsib

Investors of this bank can choose from two deposits “Deposit + Mutual Fund Conservative” and “Deposit + Mutual Fund Dynamic”, which differ in the set of stock instruments and very slightly in the size of deposit rates (9.1-11.5% in rubles or 1.7-2.7% in foreign currency). Both have the same terms (91, 181, 367 days) and minimum amounts (from 50 thousand rubles, 2 thousand dollars/euro). The volume of shares purchased must be no less than the deposit amount. There are no additional contributions specifically for the deposit.

The owner of the “Conservative” agreement invests in the mutual fund “UralSib Gold” and the “UralSib Fund Conservative”. The “Dynamic” deposit makes it possible to invest in mutual funds of both stocks and bonds, as well as make mixed investments in such well-known funds as “UralSib Oil and Gas”, “UralSib Metals of Russia”, “UralSib Energy Perspective”, etc.


This bank also has two comprehensive products that combine a deposit and another investment instrument.

The first one offers to connect to cumulative life, health and disability insurance. The policy is issued for a period of 10 to 30 years, at the end of which the accumulated amount plus investment income is paid. The frequency of payment of contributions is quarterly, annually or other at the client’s choice. You can undergo a medical examination at the expense of the insurance company. A fixed-term bank deposit in this package is opened for 150 days at 11% in rubles or 5.5% in foreign currency.

Another agreement “Fixed-term (with investment products)” is concluded for 33 or 100 days at 6 or 7% per annum. Its stock instruments are managed by financial groups VTB, Sberbank, Alfa Capital, Deutsche UFG, TKB BNP Paribas, Uralsib.

Bank Rosgosstrah

The tariff schedule for the “Investment” deposit has four terms – 1, 3, 6, 12 months. In addition, the rate (10-11% per annum) also depends on the range of amounts, the minimum value of which is 25 thousand rubles. By the way, you can earn 11% in just 31 days if you invest more than 450 thousand rubles. Additional contributions are not accepted.

But first you need to purchase shares in an amount not less than the size of the deposit. RGS Asset Management manages 9 funds that operate with assets such as bonds, stocks, index and sectoral funds, and mixed investments. Mutual fund specialists play on rising and falling prices valuable papers leading companies in the Russian economy (blue chips) with stable development forecasts in the field of oil, gas, metal ores and precious metals production.


Due to the fact that the interest on the Financial Protection deposit is capitalized, the effective rate will increase to 11.57% in rubles and 6.7% in euros or dollars, although the depositor can choose another form of payment - monthly annuity. An agreement for a period of one year is concluded for an amount of 1 million rubles or from 30 thousand in foreign currency. There are benefits for early termination of the agreement when the ruble rate drops to 7%.

A limit is set for the maximum deposit amount, which depends on the already accumulated contributions to the life and health insurance policy from IC Alliance ROSNO Life. The policy is purchased as part of the “Financial Protection of Loved Ones” program by Private Banking participants to implement personal and family plans. Clients have a guaranteed income on their accumulated insurance amount in 5 or 30 years.

Nordea Bank

This capital bank can offer potential investors the “Your Future” deposit with the obligatory joining of one of the endowment life insurance programs in the Insurance Company “Alliance Life”. The deposit is opened no earlier than a month after purchasing the policy. The rates of this special deposit are higher than in other Nordey products. After a year, the investor will receive an additional 10.5%. The minimum rate of 9.5% is accrued after 3 months, and after six months 10%. The maximum for euros and dollars is 4% per annum. The minimum amount for savings is 30 thousand rubles.

Insurance company specialists will help you choose the best insurance program option. For example, the “Start in Life” financial plan is designed to invest in the future of children. For their parents, there is a Future Guarantee plan that allows them to save money by a certain age.


The tariff schedule of a Russian bank with purely Austrian capital contains several structured products designed for investments in mutual funds or savings insurance. You can choose from six deposits, each of which has its own term (30, 181 or 365 days), rate (maximum 10.5% in rubles or 8% per annum in euros/dollars after a month of validity of the deposit "Insurance premium (with an insurance period of 10 years)") and the minimum amount (from 15 thousand rubles or 500 euros/dollars).

A feature of the insurance policy is its term (from 6 to 30 years). Mutual funds where private investments are placed are managed by the same-named subsidiary of the Austrian financial group - Raiffeisen Capital Management Company.

Forms of investment activity of commercial banks are classified on the basis of general criteria for systematizing investment types. However, it seems possible to identify a number of features of investment banking activities, consisting in the following classification of its types:

- real investments;

- financial investments;

- production investments;

‒ investments aimed at the bank’s own development.

It is advisable to present this classification in the form of the following diagram (Figure 1.1):

Figure 1.1. Classification and forms of banking investments

Investment banking services can be classified in the same way. Investment banking services include:

Investment banking services in the primary securities market (underwriting services, dealer services);

Investment banking services in the secondary securities market ( brokerage services, dealer services, services for managing the client’s securities portfolio);

Investment banking services in the credit, money, foreign exchange markets, etc. (purchase at the initiative of clients foreign currency, precious metals, etc.);

Services for organizing and supporting mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of organizations.

Depending on the focus (goal) of investment banking services, it is proposed to divide them into three blocks: services to increase the financial resources of clients (due to their profitable investment), services to mobilize additional financial resources for clients (through the use of bank resources) and services to conduct and support of mergers, acquisitions and restructuring (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. Investment banking services

At the present stage of economic development, the investment needs of clients are so diverse that they already require banks to create investment products as a more complex form of combining investment and other banking services (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3. Scheme for creating an investment banking product

Thus, the investment banking product satisfies the client’s investment needs (attracting additional resources to organize its activities) and investment intentions (the desire to receive additional income).

It is necessary to clarify that simple investment banking products are formed on the basis of the provision of basic investment banking services and accompanying services, without which this product cannot be sold.

Complex investment banking products are formed on the basis of the provision of basic investment banking services, accompanying and additional services. Additional services may not be provided, but they serve to fill out a simple investment banking product in order to satisfy not one, but several client needs.

Packaged investment banking products are formed on the basis of the sale of several complementary banking products, despite the fact that the basic banking product is investment, as well as products of other financial companies accredited by banks (or friendly ones) as a “financial supermarket”.

Based on the analysis of existing definitions of the concept of “investment banking product,” it can be argued that an investment banking product in a general sense has all those characteristics that relate to a banking product in general.

However, there are characteristics that can only and primarily be attributed to an investment banking product:

An investment banking product is always designed for a long period of time;

It is obviously a high-risk product in Russia, since due to the long period of time, the bank plans its activities (including investment) based on the forecast of future events;

The essence of an investment banking product must be adequately reflected in a more complex system of documents developed taking into account the economic benefits of the bank and the client, the amount of risk assumed by the bank and taking into account current legislation (feasibility study of the project, business plan for the implementation of the project, expert opinions and so on.);

The creation and implementation of an investment banking product depend not only on the bank and the needs of its client, but also on the investment policy of the state.

In accordance with the above, the following definition of the concept is proposed: “an investment banking product is a set of banking services, the main of which is an investment service, aimed at comprehensively satisfying the investment intentions and needs of clients.”

The content of the investment product (quantity and combination of services) depends on market demands and the investment strategy of each specific bank.

The conducted research allows us to present the “investment banking triad”, which is the basis of investment banking activities (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Main types of investment banking operations, services and products (with examples of products from the product line of Russian banks)

Investment Bank operations Investment banking services Investment banking products
Investment banking operations for yourself: 1.Purchase and sale of securities in order to generate income through changes in the market value of securities and accrued interest 2.Purchase of securities for the purpose of participating in the capital of an organization and managing it 3.Investment banking operations for the client: Purchase and sale of securities on behalf of a client, both at one’s own expense and at the expense of the client 1. Brokerage services 2. Dealer services 3. Trust management services 4. Investment credit services 5. Issuance intermediation services 6. Mergers and acquisitions services Simple investment banking products: 1. Investment lending product. “Simple” - investment product includes an investment loan for the modernization of old equipment for a period of 10 years at 10% per annum and consulting service 2. Trust management product “Conservative” - investment product includes management of the amount of 1,000,000 rubles for a period of 1 year (investment only in reliable bonds) and consulting service continuation of table 1.1 Comprehensive investment banking products: 1. Brokerage investment product “No worries” - investment product 1.1. Brokerage services. 1.2.Depository services. 1.3.Internet banking services 2.Dealer investment product “On our way” - investment product 1.1. Dealer services. 1.2. Depository services. 1.3. A credit service in the form of an overdraft on an account when purchasing securities. Packaged investment banking products: “Turnkey merger” - packaged product 1. Complex investment product: 1.1. Credit service (investment loan for the repurchase of shares of the acquired organization) 1.2. Additional (investment) services: - service for organizing the merger and acquisition process - service issuance intermediation for the issue and repurchase of shares of a new organization 2. Product for assigning an international rating to a new organization “Perspective” - packaged product 1. Banking (deposit) product Deposit in rubles in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles, for a period of 1 year at 10% per annum, payment at the end of the term 2. Banking (investment) product Purchase of shares of an investment fund in the amount of 200,000 rubles for 1 year 3. Banking (investment) product Opening a compulsory medical insurance account for a period of 1 year in the amount of 100,000 rubles. 4. Card banking product Receipt credit card with a limit of 200,000 rubles. 19% per annum. 5. Remote banking product (service mobile bank, Bank online service)

Do you want to make a profit by investing in an investment product? Every Internet user has probably encountered such a proposal more than once. Especially if he is interested in Forex trading. Here the number of investment products is growing by leaps and bounds. But is it true that each of them will definitely bring high profits? What is hidden under the beautiful and clever phrase “investment product”? Let's try to find answers to these and other important questions.

Investment risks and opportunities.

Actually, investing is just one way to allocate capital. Moreover, it is not the most reliable and not the most profitable. It is much more profitable to develop your own business. Although, you can achieve success in it only if you have good ideas, knowledge of your business, perseverance and, as a rule, hard work... It is much safer to invest money in a bank (preferably some state savings bank, since commercial ones burst from time to time). The risks will be minimal, but the profit will be symbolic.

The advantage of an investor is that, without doing practically anything, he can “cut off” interest on his capital. Profits are higher than in bank accounts. But neither in Russia nor in other countries of the world does the state guarantee the investor the safety of his capital. Therefore, he must always remember the likelihood of financial losses and choose the investment product in which the ratio of profit and risk will be optimal.

By the way, an investment product is any object of investment: an agreement, a business plan, property - anything in which large or small capital can be profitably invested. If you buy a bond, a share in a fund, shares or a piece of property in a commercial company, you are investing in an investment product. You can invest in a portfolio that consists of several assets at once. You can structure it by making up both highly reliable and highly profitable but risky assets.

Just like on stock exchanges, investments in Forex are made in order to invest them in profitable projects. Your money is needed by traders who know how to effectively manage capital and conduct profitable trading. It is more profitable for them to attract investors than to take, for example, loans. After all, the loan must be repaid within the agreed time frame and with predetermined interest. If the borrower gets into trouble, the lender will still demand his money with interest. The investor will receive income only when the product he has chosen turns out to be profitable.

The return on investment directly depends on the success of the manager. If the investment product fails and the trader loses capital, you will also be left without money. Therefore, it is so important to make the right decision when choosing an investment property.

1 1,025.00 154 34 1,145.00
2 1,025.30 121 31 1,115.30
3 1,034.00 50 6 1,078.00
4 1,032.20 43 13 1,062.20
5 782.00 89 12 859.00
6 335.60 268 7 596.60
7 318.00 79 13 384.00
8 317.50 89 31 375.50
9 329.50 43 5 367.50
10 303.00 74 13 364.00
11 270.20 78 20 328.20
12 226.00 64 23 267.00
13 196.60 34 17 213.60

Types of investment products on Forex.

Various services, financial instruments, portfolios, strategies offered by managers can become the object of your investment. Forex opportunities to invest in a standard product or create your own individual project are very great. Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t even list them all. Let's look at just a few that are popular.

  • PAMM accounts: You give your money to the management of an experienced trader. He carries out transactions on the Forex market simultaneously with his own and attracted capital, earning profit for himself and his clients. The manager's services are paid in the form of commissions on turnover or profits.

Advantages : An experienced trader who knows his business well and makes a minimum of mistakes is trading instead of you. The return on such investments is almost always higher than that of novice Forex traders trying to make trades on their own.

Flaws : Guarantees of capital safety come down to the fact that in the event of bankruptcy, the manager will lose his money along with yours. But for various reasons, many PAMM accounts turn out to be unprofitable.

  • PAMM account portfolios: You can choose several managers between whom you will distribute your capital. The rest is the same as in the previous paragraph.

Advantages : It is reliable that several managers will not drain deposits in unison, making the same mistakes.

Flaws : Portfolio returns look like a cross between the results obtained from successful and unsuccessful traders. That is, you will earn less.

  • PAMM account indices: The product is very similar to a briefcase. The index is compiled by brokerage companies themselves from several of the most profitable accounts. Profit is calculated as the arithmetic average of the results of all PAMM accounts included in the index.

Advantages : The selection of accounts for investment is carried out by specialists of the brokerage company, which allows you to avoid most mistakes at this stage. If a manager does not provide profitable trading, he is excluded from the index.

Flaws : All the same, the assessment of investment prospects is made based on the past results of managing traders. We have to believe that there will be no changes for the worse in the future.

  • Auto trading: Automatically copying transactions of successful traders, trading using signals or setting up robot advisors. Transactions are made on your account, but without your participation.

Advantages : You can stop automatic trading if you are not making a profit.

Flaws : Strict requirements for the minimum amount of invested capital. When the nature of the market changes, signals may not work effectively.

  • Strategy portfolios: The broker tests a number of auto trading strategies, choosing the most profitable ones at the moment. A portfolio of strategies is formed that are offered to be configured on the trader’s trading terminal. All you have to do is subscribe and start performing transactions automatically.

Advantages : Risk protection is higher than investing in individual auto trading advisors or signal providers.

Flaws : Typically an even larger deposit is required than for auto trading.

  • Precious metals, CFDs, futures and other financial instruments on the Forex market: Actually, they can be traded like currency pairs. But it makes sense to keep positions open for many months, waiting for a significant change in quotes, which will actually become an investment.

Advantages : Prices for gold, oil, shares of the world's largest companies, etc. behave more predictably than currencies, which makes it easier to find a strategic entry point into the market.

Flaws : Despite the fact that you do not need to sit in front of a computer monitor all day, your risks are just as great as those of other traders.

  • Active investor- investment product of the brokerage company PrivateFX:

Advantages : you can work from one trading account in several directions at once;
you can use the best strategies of each manager. At the same time, in real time you can monitor the progress of traders’ trades; the investor selects to his taste those that correspond to his personal preferences. Receive greater profits compared to classical PAMM managers.

Flaws : Usually an even larger deposit is required.

What investment products are offered by Forex market leaders?

The ranking of the best investment products of 2017 includes companies occupying leading positions in the Forex market. Let's see what investment products are available to clients of brokers who have received the highest ratings from the MasterForex-V Academy (more than 500 points).

  1. PrivateFX. The company offers PAMM accounts, PAMM account indices and a new service "Active Investor", which is something between PAMM and autocopying, and also includes the ability to trade independently. By the way, this service helped the broker win the “Discovery of the Year” status in 2015.
  2. FxPro. The company develops trading strategies for its clients, offers risk management systems, as well as special platforms for automated trading.
  3. Saxo Bank. The broker offers investing in bonds, stock indices, futures, stocks, options and other instruments.
  4. You can invest in PAMM accounts, PAMM portfolios, investment funds and structured products.
  5. Swissquote. You can invest in funds, bonds, indices, futures and other instruments.
  6. Offers PAMM accounts, auto trading and creation of trading strategies.
  7. FBS. The broker offers its traders and investors investments in the Forex currency market.
  8. . The broker gives you the opportunity to invest in the following investment products: Project "Personal Trader", "PROFIT-COPY", "Passive Income" 26% per annum.
  9. The broker provides the opportunity to invest in the CopyFX transaction copying service and RAMM accounts.
  10. . This broker foreign exchange market Forex gives its traders the opportunity to invest in their PAMM service.
  11. . Forex market broker allows traders to invest in PAMM
  12. Alpha Forex. You can invest in precious metals, raw materials and energy, Eurobonds, American stocks, European stocks, Russian stocks, indices, forwards.
  13. . The Forex company provides the opportunity to invest in LAMM and PAMM accounts. It is possible to connect trading signals from MetaQuotes.
  14. Instaforex. InstaForex company provides the following investment instruments: Forex options, ForexCopy system, PAMM system, InstaWallet system.

How to choose an investment product?

First of all, decide on two points:

  • How much money are you planning to invest?
  • What is your goal?

Once you answer these questions, your choice of investment property will narrow down on its own. However, try to answer them correctly.

Unfortunately, the Russian average person still has to explain that it is better to keep money set aside for treatment or education to oneself and not invest in risky enterprises. Moreover, you don’t need to take out a loan secured by a single apartment in order to make a profitable investment. It is customary to invest only available funds, the probable loss of which will not lead to a significant decrease in your standard of living. If you calculate the amount of investment based on these considerations, no disaster will ever happen. Even if attempt number one fails, the second or third time you will win back your losses.

Now about the goal. An investor's primary goal is to protect his capital from inflation. Over time, even the most reliable and highly liquid currencies depreciate. If they are not multiplied by at least the percentage of inflation, capital will evaporate like water from a puddle on a hot summer day. Alas, not all bank deposits allow you to achieve at least this goal. But conservative investment products with high guarantees make it possible to beat inflation, receiving not only nominal, but also real profits.

On the Forex market you can find many products that promise very rapid capital growth. Naturally, the risks of such investments are high. Therefore, investors are not advised to invest all their money in strategies and traders that have an aggressive trading method. Risky investments, of course. They may be present in your portfolio, but their share should be small, and possible losses should be covered by income from reliable instruments.

People who pursue the goal of getting rich quickly and easily, in 99% of cases “quickly and easily” lose their capital. Choose investment products offered by serious companies. Check the effectiveness of strategies, managing traders, auto trading systems, etc. Do not rush to immediately invest more than the required minimum. Invest serious capital only in those products that you have been able to test in the process of long-term cooperation.

Why do you need the MasterForex-V Academy rating?

The winner in the nomination will be the broker who, by the end of the year, scores the most points (the sum of points received from the experts of the MasterForex-V Academy and the votes of ordinary Forex market participants minus the “against” votes).

To take part in the voting, just register on the MasterForex-V Academy website and click on the corresponding button in the rating table. From one IP address you can only cast one vote for or against each broker. Accordingly, each vote adds or subtracts one point.

MasterForex-V Academy encourages voting participants to take a responsible approach to their choice. Vote only for (or against) those companies whose proposals you understand. It largely depends on you which of the nominees will become the winner of the rating of the best investment products of 2017.

MasterForex-V Academy ratings allow you to determine the leaders of the Forex market by certain parameters. For many traders and investors, they have already become a reputable platform for choosing the right brokerage company in which to effectively and safely place capital.

The modern capitalist world assumes that the money that the consumer has accumulated over a certain period of activity should work and bring him additional or main income. For such purposes, funds can be placed in depository accounts or invested in anything.

In order to make deposits, you need to have at least some basic level of knowledge in this area. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the activities of objects in the particular sector of the economy where you are going to invest. Now let's look at a few basic terms that will help you better understand the principle of the investment process itself.

The concept of investment goods is one of the fundamental ones in macroeconomics. It should be understood in an almost literal sense - these are goods that are purchased through financial investments and used by the enterprise to produce other goods and services. They are also used to expand production, increase its volumes, increase capacity and modernize. All investment goods within one country together form its production capacity. The same applies to a single plant or holding, for example.

  • Buildings necessary for organizing the process of manufacturing any product - workshops, railway stations, etc.;
  • Ways of communication between various production facilities and warehouses and places of sale of goods - highways, highways, railways, waterways. Also, for some sectors of the economy, the presence of gas pipelines is important, the construction of which is also carried out with invested funds;
  • Mechanisms and equipment on which the process of processing and manufacturing of products will actually take place;
  • Office buildings and buildings of a state nature, which are needed not for production, but for the sale of goods, and, therefore, obtaining Money to continue production.

What are investment products

Investment products are objects in which an investor can invest his savings. The choice of such products is quite wide - you can make deposits in shares, securities, invest through banks or PAMM accounts. In order for these deposits to generate income, you need to choose an option that will be protected from fraudulent schemes.

There are several criteria for choosing an investment product. For example:

  • An assessment of the reliability of a company offering you to invest in something. If a company is at the bottom of the rating list, this indicates its low level of reliability and makes you wonder whether it is worth cooperating with it;
  • Legislation or prospectus. These documents describe the very essence of the investment product and are mandatory for it. If they are not there, then the investment product is not registered anywhere;
  • A subjective, but often fundamental factor is the quality of service. If at the company’s office you were rude, rude, and received at the wrong time, then you will have no desire to cooperate with this organization.

What are investment services

Investment services can be provided by various organizations. For example, this type of financial services includes investment consulting, that is, providing information of interest about investments, assistance in developing a behavioral strategy with an assessment of the characteristics of the investment sphere, as well as the risks inherent in this process.

Most often they talk about investment banking services. They include:

  • Redemption of securities on the financial market or sale to the first owner. In this case, the bank acts as an assistant and intermediary between the issuer who places its shares and the final investor who purchases these shares;
  • Mergers, acquisitions of companies and holdings, as well as their structural reorganization associated with such restructuring. In this case, the bank does not manage the portfolio, but finds a buyer for the shares, develops algorithms and plans for changing the structural organization;
  • Trust management. The client delegates to the bank the authority to manage the stock portfolio. At the same time, the bank independently studies the features of the market, monitors its trends and risks;
  • Brokerage intermediation in the purchase/sale of certain securities. The purchase is most often made at the expense of the client, but sometimes the bank can issue him a loan to purchase shares.