I am investing in a dealer network. Investment projects

19.07.2023 General approaches

This section reflects requests from potential investors considering the opportunity participation in an investment project on the territory of the Moscow region.

You can do searching for investment projects by placing a corresponding request in free form in our investment projects database.

Entrepreneurs who are ready to offer their investment project for consideration will be able to find your request using keywords.

You can also familiarize yourself with those already proposed for implementation investment projects in the Moscow region, going to the section “I offer an investment project”.

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We know how to attract investment in your projects.
We help our clients solve the most pressing financial issues related to financing any business projects. Feel free to get in touch if you are missing financial resources to implement your projects. A dedicated team is ready to provide investment solutions by connecting you with potential investors.
WhatsApp only: + 7-926-745-72-17

Investment capital is available for projects in the real sector of the economy and trade (export-import), socially significant initiatives in the field of ecology and healthcare, culture, education, and tourism.
We have reliable connections with foreign financial institutions interested in projects in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, providing capital on favorable terms under a simplified procedure, both in the form of an investment loan and in the form of creating joint ventures with equity participation financial partner up to 100% of the project cost.
Capital is provided at a rate not exceeding global rates (3-4% per annum), with a moratorium for the period of development of investment capital (up to 3 years).
The time frame for organizing financing, depending on the degree of readiness of the project documentation, is 1.5-2 months.
Direct contacts with persons making decisions on the provision of capital reduce the time required for document flow and minimize the risks of refusal of financing.
We provide project support at all stages of the transaction, from placing an application for project financing to organizing and holding a working meeting to sign an investment contract.
Applications for the provision of services are accepted from new (created for the project) or existing companies that have objective grounds for receiving investment capital, have realistic plans for the implementation of the project, and have initial capital to cover the costs of the organizational period, at least USD / EUR 50-70,000.
Please send questions and suggestions to the following email address: [email protected], for negotiations skype: a.rishad1, mobile phone, WhatsApp, Viber + 79273369267

For a business that has existed for more than 2 years and has a stable turnover, we offer loans from private investors through investment platforms. Loan terms are up to 12 months, the approximate rate, taking into account platform commissions, is 32-35% per year. The loan amount is comparable to the monthly turnover (up to 10 million rubles); if equipment is pledged, the amount can be increased. For medium-sized businesses, unsecured loans can be issued through factoring, overdraft, bond loans (the amounts are limited only by the financial capabilities of your company). We work throughout Russia, except the Caucasus, Crimea and the Far East.

Large-scale modernization of production, development of the agro-industrial complex (pig farms, poultry farms, cattle complexes, recirculation systems), obtain the latest equipment and technologies of the 21st century, expand capacity, purchase equipment, build multi-storey buildings, new workshops or entire turnkey plants (from 5 million euros ).

The investment project itself can be considered as the main collateral for the loan.

We work in Russia and the CIS (except Ukraine).

Investments and loans in real sector projects

We are considering projects from the real sector: manufacturing, energy, agriculture, construction of transport and logistics complexes and others.

Mostly projects from 0.1 to 1.5 billion rubles are interesting. We can consider larger ones.

The project's profitability is from 20% per annum in rubles and above.

We provide assistance in attracting financing for business projects in the field of oil refining.
Funding volume from $100M - $20B+
Duration of the investment project: 5-15 years, depending on the investment program.
Return level >25% (IRR).
For the purposes of purity and openness of business, projects accepted for consideration of financing issues are preferably existing businesses, at least three years on the market, without mixing investments of several financial institutions. We also take on the functions of Project consulting & Credit broker & Financial provider. Financing of Start-Up projects is possible.

We invite initiators of large investment projects (manufacturing, high technology, pharmaceuticals, ecology, energy...) based on existing enterprises that need their financing, to strategic cooperation!
Loans up to 10 years from one of the largest Russian banks.
To start interacting:
-financial model, business plan. It is advisable to have outside income to repay the loan (not necessary. Each project is individual, there are no special conditions)

We are also ready to organize lending secured by commercial properties with an operating rental business
The bank analyzes the financial flows it generates commercial real estate. 30-40% discount on deposit.
Loan terms are up to 10 years. Rate 11-12.5% ​​(currently)

Amounts from 300,000,000 rubles are considered

Terms of cooperation in personal correspondence with interested parties.

Please initially send your requests by email: [email protected]

Projects in any area of ​​activity are accepted for consideration, incl. financing long-term commercial transactions.
Loan for a period of 5-10 years, at 4% per annum, moratorium on interest and loan payments for 12-24 months
The organizational period is 2-3 months, we provide consulting support on a paid basis.
Details when contacting the client.

Our company "Capital Plus" offers direct investments and preferential loans for business.
Among our partners are leading Russian and foreign investment companies, AAA-rated funds.

Basic financing conditions:
Projects from the real sector of the economy are being considered.
Collateral - investor's entry into share capital for a period of 3 to 5 years. Exit from projects is carried out by selling a share to a strategic partner (initiator) or through an IPO.
Having a profitable and financially stable business with growth potential, a strong management team, and a transparent ownership structure. The company is at the "Development" or "Expansion" stage. The minimum transaction amount is 300 million rubles.

For start-ups and enterprises with low turnover, investment loans are possible, subject to the participation of the initiator or his financial partner in the project, with his own funds in the amount of at least 20% of the project cost.
The loan term is up to 10 years or more, the moratorium on loan payments is 1-1.5 years. The minimum amount is 100 million rubles. Any industries and segments are considered.
We also provide preferential leasing financing. As part of government subsidies, there are significant discounts on advance payment+ manufacturer's discount.

For small businesses and individuals, we offer loans secured by any real estate (residential and commercial), as well as vehicles, special equipment, including secured by purchased real estate and equipment. The loan amount is from 2 to 30 million rubles.

Successfully finding an investor for a business is a life-determining task for most start-up companies. Implementing it in modern conditions is much easier than a few years ago, thanks to the Internet and remote investment platforms. But in any case, an entrepreneur looking for funds for his own project should know several important rules and recommendations that will help solve this problem more successfully - we talk about them below.

Before you start looking for investors to implement your idea, you need to understand what this concept means and how it differs, for example, from a sponsor or philanthropist. These terms are often confused with each other, although in reality they refer to very different ways of directing funds.

The goal of any investor is to increase their own investments. Investors invest money only in projects that, after a certain period, will increase their capital or begin to generate regular profits in the form of dividends.

Investments are not charity. Unlike sponsors or philanthropists, investors give money to companies not with the goal of helping, but with the prospect of making money on it. Investments are needed for business development and ultimately benefit both parties: the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to realize his business idea, and the investor increases capital.

Unlike sponsors or philanthropists, investors give money to companies not with the goal of helping, but with the prospect of making money on it.

Who most often acts as investors?

In a situation where you need an investor to start a business from scratch, it is important to know who can play this role. Most often this is:

  1. Banks. Financial institutions prefer to deal with existing, stable and promising companies, so for beginners, going to a bank is clearly not the best option.
  2. Investment funds - carry out collective investments of their participants. The decision to allocate money is usually made on the basis of a business plan. They support both existing and start-up projects.
  3. Independent private investors. These can be wealthy businessmen, owners of large capital, and even professional investors who make money from successful investments in many projects simultaneously.

What to do before attracting investments

If the query “I’m looking for an investor to start a business from scratch” is relevant to you, Before you start searching and negotiating, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Detailed business plan for the project with calculations and payback period. The investor must see over what period his capital will increase. It is desirable that the plan describes the project for at least 1 year (but better for several years), is realistic, and does not contain inflated expectations.
  2. The exact amount of financial resources required, possibly in several versions. For example, according to the minimum plan and according to the maximum plan.
  3. A brief and vivid presentation of the project, which will describe all its prospects, strengths, innovation and expected profit. That is, this is a brief summary of why it is profitable for investors to invest in this business.

Attracting investment is quite a difficult task even for existing companies. For those entrepreneurs who raise funds to implement an idea from scratch, it becomes much more complicated. Particular attention should be paid to the business plan: it is on its basis that potential investors will judge the company’s prospects

What types of investment are there?

Investments for business come in two varieties:

  1. Direct - in exchange for financial resources for the implementation of the project, the investor receives a share in the management of the organization. The money is used to purchase means of production, raw materials, sales organization, and so on. This type includes only those investments after which the investor’s share in the company will be at least 10%.
  2. Portfolio - the acquisition of an organization's securities (shares or bonds) for the purpose of owning them or reselling them at higher prices when their value increases. The investor who purchases the securities usually does not participate in the operational management of the company and decision making. His goal is not the development of the company as such, but the increase in capital.

What investors like

To understand how to find money for your business idea, you need to know what attracts investors to start-up companies. You already know that experienced businessmen and owners of large capital who only intend to increase their profits most often act in this capacity.

Despite the generally risky nature of investing as a phenomenon, investors like guarantees. The more a business plan demonstrates the reality of payback and increased profitability, the more potential investors will like it.

Don't count on the "wow" effect- it does not play any role when investing. Transparency and realism of all calculations are also highly valued. In other words, the promise of profit should not be fabulous, but based on real numbers and calculations. Among the personal qualities attractive to investors are organization, enterprise, multitasking, the ability to control the situation, predict options and events.

What repels investors

The main thing that will not allow you to find investors to implement your own idea- this is the unrealism of the business plan, errors and overestimations in it, the futility of the project. Investors are looking for an opportunity to multiply their capital and for this reason will not participate in activities that are obviously unsuccessful.

How to find finance - features of finding funds for a project in different sources

Now it’s time to move on to the practical part of the issue and understand how to attract an investor to the project. To do this, we will consider the most popular options and the procedure in each case. An entrepreneur raising funds for his company should use several options at the same time, which will increase the likelihood of search success.

Applying to a bank for a loan

Many banks offer business lending services. True, a novice businessman has much less chance of receiving a large sum of money than an already existing organization. Issuing financial resources to an unrealized project is too risky for a financial institution, so it is very likely that the amount will be reduced or the loan will be refused altogether.

However, if an entrepreneur is looking for where to find an investor for a small business and the amount he needs is really small, it is worth applying for a bank loan. In this case, it is also necessary to have a business plan, including calculations of the required amount. It is quite possible that the bank will require a guarantor or collateral, for example, in the form of the entrepreneur’s personal property.

An entrepreneur raising funds for his company must use several options simultaneously.

Raising capital through investment funds

It is convenient to search for investments and investors through investment funds. These institutions bring together a variety of investors and make mixed and collective investments in a wide variety of start-up projects. Due to the specifics of their activities, funds treat risks much more simply than banks.

Foundations can be state or non-state. Entrepreneurs whose company has any social or strategic significance for the region in which they plan to operate should contact government agencies. This could be, for example, an asphalt production business: it provides many new jobs (social value) and creates resources to improve the quality of streets and roads (strategic, local value).

If the project does not involve solving such problems, it is better to turn to non-state funds. The most famous in Russia are:"Finance-invest", "SotsAgroFinance", "Adfincom", "VTB Capital", "Sberbank Electric Power", "Gazprombank Asset Management".

Raising funds for a business idea via the Internet

Above we looked at two traditional ways to obtain funds for the implementation of your own project: through a bank or through investment funds. However, now there are other options on how to attract investors using modern technologies.

The most popular and convenient option for raising money to implement a business idea is to use a variety of specialized online services and platforms. Now among them there are already quite a lot of popular and proven ones:

  • angel.co;
  • startup.network;
  • napartner.ru;
  • pitchbook.com;
  • preqveca.ru;
  • business-platform.ru;
  • rb.ru/pipeline;
  • towave.ru;
  • startupnetwork.ru;
  • azium.ru;
  • shareinstock.com.

Each site for searching for investors invites entrepreneurs to register their project and indicate all the most important information about it - the amount of required investments, plans and prospects, payback period, significance, innovativeness.

The service will show this information to potential investors looking for projects in a similar area of ​​business or who have the necessary funds. Some platforms, providing investment assistance, send out new offers to their registered user base, notifying them of the emergence of promising companies.

To increase the likelihood of raising funds, use several services at the same time. Not all of them are Russian-speaking, but it is quite possible that a business plan, especially a technological one, will also be of interest to foreign investors. This option for raising capital is very convenient and promising, as it allows the entrepreneur and investor to interact directly with each other.

If an entrepreneur is looking for an investor in his business that is already operating and demonstrating success, you can try to find investors yourself.

Independently attracting an investor

If an entrepreneur is looking for an investor in his business that is already operating and demonstrating success, you can try to find investors yourself. For example, post information about the need to invest on your own website, write about it on your social media accounts.

Another option is to issue additional securities. Their implementation will help you find new shareholders (and with them new finances), as well as, possibly, new ideas and steps for the development of the enterprise. However, do not forget that even in this case you will need a business plan from which each investor will understand what benefits the investment will bring him.

How crowdfunding can help

Crowdfunding - that is, raising funds through voluntary donations - is not investing in the truest sense of the word. However, this type of search for money to start your own business is also very promising. When donating through crowdfunding, contributors do not acquire a stake in the company or its securities, but help to release the first batches of goods and get started.

To start collecting funds, the author of the project creates its description on the crowdfunding site and indicates the required amount. With such financing, the business plan is less important. Innovative, technological developments or socially significant, socially beneficial projects will have an advantage.

In Russia, crowdfunding is just beginning to develop. The most famous Russian-language platforms are “StartTrack” and “Boomstarter”. On each platform, you can study the experiences of successful companies that have raised funds in this way and see what ideas are currently collecting donations.


Finding an investor even for a new project is possible. The basis for searching for finance to implement your own idea should be a high-quality business plan with accurate calculations. Investors are attracted to technologically advanced and promising projects that will help multiply their capital. The most effective way to find investment is to use specialized online services.

The article was written by an experienced entrepreneur who has experience in attracting investments in his own innovative projects and third-party startups, collaborating with companies such as IC Finam, SBAR, Private Capital, etc.

First, a small but very important introduction:

Finding an investor willing to invest money in a new business is both simple and difficult. I’ll tell you how to find it below, but first I want to ask you: “Why do you want to attract an investor to your own business?”

No, I do not reject such an important and useful institute for a start-up business as “Investor”. In most cases, without an investor and attracting third-party money, a business simply cannot be created and launched.

I'm asking about something else:

“Are all your resources exhausted?”
“Does your business need an investor at all?”

Are you sure your project needs it? Do you think that an investor is pure “chocolate” and manna from heaven? Are you wrong?

To better understand these difficult issues, I suggest that you first and without fail read these articles:

Article: “Does a startup always need an investor with money?”
Article: “Investing in a startup, what problems might there be?”
Article: “Finding an investor for a startup or why does the investor say “no”?

Where to start looking for an investor for a business?

Do you need an investor to start a business, but you don’t know where to find one? Let's start with this.

First of all, I want to say the most correct and most banal thing: “To create a business, an investor can be found anywhere.” Everywhere. At every step. Even by extending your hand, you can feel the “strong shoulder of a friend” who can become an investor in your new project.

Therefore, for those who are looking for an investor for a start-up business, it is more important to understand not where to look, but how to look and, most importantly, how to convince a person or group of people to invest in your business.

Finding an investor is not a problem, the problem is making him a partner.

Below we will look at most of the possible “places” where you can and should look for an investor, and now I will try to focus your attention on one of the most important points - preparing to search for a future investor.

For many years now, there has been a story circulating on the Internet about how someone walked into an elevator and literally in two minutes, talking about his project, received almost millions of dollars from an investor.

I can fully admit that this is a true story. You never know how many poor and rich people wander around the world.

Perhaps someone fell for this. But in life everything is much more complicated and you won’t be able to find an investor “out of the box” without preparation.

To understand why, I will ask you: “Are you ready to give your hard-earned 25,000 rubles to a stranger. simply because he promises mountains of gold”? I think no.

You will study the offer, promises, etc. Why then do many of those who are looking for money for a project think that this money can be found without careful preparation?

In order to find serious money for a serious project, the minimum that you should have on hand is a business plan for the future project and its presentation with provisions on the benefits received by a possible investor.

A business plan can be replaced with a feasibility study (feasibility study), but it is better to have a full-fledged business plan. All the same, then the right investor will demand such a business plan in order to protect their money as much as possible.

Having read on Wikipedia and understood what a business angel is, an investment applicant can prepare (by creating a business plan and presentation) and contact directly the most serious organization in Russia that helps attract money from private investors to business - “SBAR” (Community of Business Angels of Russia) . There are other similar communities, but I advise you to contact them first.

The fact is that several years ago I promoted one of my inventions through SBAR.

Looking ahead, I want to say that my project never received the investments it needed.

But communication with representatives of SBAR, its managers preparing projects for the investment session and with those investors who were found with their help, “forever” cleared my brain regarding my innovation.

And understanding of innovative business in general.

Yes, I did not receive investment in the project with the help of SBAR, but the knowledge and experience that I gained by promoting the project with their help helped me get investment for another project quickly and comfortably. “There is no such thing as too much knowledge, just like money.”

By the way, I proposed my project to the National Network of Business Angels “Private Capital” in Moscow. There my project was immediately rejected. But I was not upset and continued the search.

This is what I wish for you: do not lose heart when rejected and continue searching for an investor.) In general, if you are rejected again, this does not mean that your project is bad. It may not be groundbreaking and won't change the world, but the harder you push it, the more likely you are to succeed.

Where and how to get money for a startup

This video explains: The legendary Russian Internet entrepreneur Anton Nosik shares his thoughts and best practices on how and where to look for your investors and how not to make a mistake.

Where to find investors for an online business?

Nowadays on the Internet you can often see advertisements like this: “Looking for an investor in a small business.” On message boards, special resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators.

You can also take advantage of this opportunity and submit your ad. Perhaps this way you will find your investor, but the chances of success will be minimal. It is best to contact investors directly.

What do I mean when I say: targeted. This means that you need to prepare, collect a list of those Internet resources through which you can contact future and real investors.

Do you know why it is necessary to contact investors directly? I'll try to explain based on my own experience. Several years ago I decided to create my own extensive resource base where I could advertise for investment in a very interesting project.

I approached data collection with all responsibility and within a month I collected everything that could be found on the RuNet at that time. Including foreign investment funds. Rowing, as they say, everything that caught the eye and barely “moved.”

What was the result after I sent out my proposal to all these funds, communities, centers, technology parks, etc.?

Zero! Pure and virgin!

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to starting a successful business with an easy and simple start.

When making a decision to purchase a franchise, you need to consult the professional recommendations in this section:

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business

Do you know who I received “encouraging” replies and offers of investment from? From those who provided paid services for finding investments. Like: “You have a wonderful project, with our help you will change the world with your idea... but first we need to pay the Nth amount of money.” All clear?

Don't waste your time on such empty hassles. No, I do not deny that on such message boards, forums, etc. you can find your investor. This is possible, but the chances are slim.

Most of the “investors” on such resources are those who have no money, but want to foolishly scam you out of money. And they're getting scammed. And how they cheat!

Why am I talking all about sad things!

Look for money for a project on collective investment services. In my opinion, today the best crowdfunding platforms in Russia are the following resources:

  • boomstarter.ru
  • planeta.ru

If your business is created on an innovative idea, then I advise you to contact the Skolkovo Foundation https://community.sk.ru/news/ or Technopark "Strogino". These are state or near state structures, it is not easy to get into them, but it is possible.

An example of such a “hit” can be: Project Corteos and project "On Veliki".

Works productively in Russia Russian Startup Tour. This is the longest tour of the regions by leading experts from Russian development institutions with the participation of venture funds and major corporations. Perhaps your business or your innovation will be of interest to a large corporation, and it will provide it with investment?

I recently came across an offer from the creators of the City of Money service. City of Money is an online platform for loans for business and investment. I don’t want to give a link, I haven’t used it myself, find it and google it, but as stated on their website, this is a platform where investors and borrowers can contact each other directly, without intermediaries.

Well, the most likely thing is to take money from the bank. Either under a program to help start-up businesses, for example from Sberbank, or in the form consumer loan. Many aspiring entrepreneurs started this way. They took money from the bank in the form of a consumer loan and started their own business. Many people succeeded.

The main thing is to find an investor

This video explains: An interview with the creator of the legendary Ozon online store, Alexander Egorov, in which he talks about the difficulties of finding investments and difficult relationships with investors that led to the sale of the business.

Investors for business in Moscow

Advertisements like: “Looking for investors for business development in Moscow” or: “Looking for an investor for business in Ukraine”, in my opinion, are incorrect.

In the first case, it is not particularly important for the investor where the business created on a breakthrough technology or idea is located, and in the second, it makes no sense to look for an investor in Ukraine in our time (known political events). Which serious investor would invest money in a business operating in a country with a declining economy?

Let's focus on finding an investor in Moscow. I personally would not make any distinction in the geographic location of the investor, but if I did, I would turn to such resources as "Managers Club - E-executive." Do you know why? Yes, because 90% of the people shuffling there are managers from Moscow who have money.

Moreover, there are many managers with money who are already “ripe” for their own business. Do you understand? There is money, there is a desire to create a business, there is experience, but there is no time to fully devote oneself to a new business.

Not everyone is ready to leave the post of general manager of some oil company, even for the sake of their own business. Exit: find a head-first idea generator, invest money in him, his team and his idea, and everyone will be in chocolate.

This is educational: Strategy for startups

This video explains: A very interesting and original speech by Yuri Lifshits, which can be titled with humor: “A startup is not the whole life.” Yuri tells how to properly organize and build a startup strategy that will be key to your success.

An investor is looking for business projects and... does not find a suitable one

90% of new business creation projects do not receive investment because the business initiator is to blame. His main fault is that he either incorrectly emphasizes the business plan for the investor, or incorrectly creates the presentation of the project.

Here you need to understand the most important thing - how the investor considers applications.

In 95 cases out of 100, the investor sees only the main indicators provided by the project initiator:

  • whether he is satisfied with the financial performance of the project;
  • project payback period;
  • project risks;
  • and options for exiting the project.

The investor will read and consider the remaining indicators only when he is interested in the points that I listed above. Many people are still interested in having a project team, but this is not such an important point in my opinion. Or rather important, but later.

I will tell you how one of our projects was considered in IC "Finam". Looking ahead, I’ll say that my partner and I cheated a little when creating the presentation. Knowing in advance that we would be sending our presentation to Finam, we carefully prepared.

Having found out what projects this fund, respected in Russia, invests in, we found common “features” inherent in our project and those projects in which the fund has already invested. And these “traits” and features were especially emphasized in their presentation.

You can study the numerous experiences of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful franchise business in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case, according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under a franchising program is presented

“Focus” passed, and we were invited to a conversation. Did we deceive the fund or not? No, of course not, we just did our presentation correctly. Did this help us in the end? No. Finam did not finance our project.

But we found investments elsewhere and from other investors, saying that our project received very good reviews in Finam.

Now let’s talk about how to draw up a business plan, an example of which will satisfy everyone. Or rather, about the small features of such a composition. So to speak: “A business plan for an investor, an example from my own life.”

What you write like: “The project will earn up to $100 million a year in two years” is of no particular interest to anyone. In my practice, any applications of this type are checked very quickly.

The main thing that needs to be emphasized in a business plan is to carefully and responsibly approach the creation of points:

  • what problems do the project solve for people?
  • project risks;
  • options for investor exit from the project.

When describing the risks of the project, you must clearly understand what risks your proposal may encounter during its implementation and in the future. Including competitive risks and risks called force majeure.

When describing options for an investor to exit a project, you must clearly write what you agree to in building a relationship with the investor. Here you need to understand the main thing - an investor investing in a project wants to make money. Make a profit. Explosive profits are desired.

All other motives that are important to you personally, for example, to create a unique business, to be the first in the industry, to prove something to your wife... the investor does not care at all.

Therefore, he must clearly understand how and when he will be able to sell his share in the business being created.

Last update: 09/12/2019

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Continuing the topic of investing, we will consider the issues of finding investments for a business, namely where and how to find an investor to start a business from scratch, what to do to get him to agree to finance a business project, and so on.

In this article we will cover:

  • Why investors are needed and how to properly attract them to start a business;
  • What steps should you take to find an investor from scratch;
  • What rules should be followed when searching for an investor;
  • Who can you turn to for help in finding investors?

You will also find answers to frequently asked questions at the end of the post.

The article will be useful to absolutely everyone: as aspiring businessmen, and for those who already have some experience in developing your own business. The article will also appeal to those interested in the theory of finance and investment.

To find useful information about attracting investors, read our article to the end.

Where and how to find an investor to start a business, what to look for when looking for investors for a small business from scratch - you will learn about all this and more later in the article

Regardless of the type of activity, a business needs Money Oh. If you don't raise capital, even the best project develops will not . This threatens that the business will die at the planning stage.

It should be understood that for the successful development of entrepreneurship it is important not to miss the moment. Therefore, businessmen, as a rule, do not have the opportunity to save money. There is a great risk that while it is possible to collect the required amount, the moment will be missed, and the proposed market will be attacked by faster and more enterprising competitors.

At the same time, novice businessmen should not be embarrassed by the fact that their capital is insufficient. Even successful large companies, when they just started their activities, used borrowed funds.

Young companies with prospects for successful development most often feel a lack of funds. At the same time, they have a huge number of ideas that require implementation." Here and now ».

To date Finding investors has become much easier: created for this purpose a huge number of funds and companies who agree to transfer their funds to start-up businessmen.

But it should be understood that not everyone can receive funds from the funds. First of all, a businessman will need to convince investors to invest in his project. To do this, you will need not only to draw up a business plan, but also to prove that a particular business project is more interesting than that of competitors and also has better prospects.

Most professional investors have extensive investment experience. Therefore, they easily determine those projects in which it is best to invest in order to obtain maximum profit.

Businessmen must remember that how funds, so private investors do not give money to charity. They expect from the projects they invest in maximum and fastest return.

Thus, any sources of investment funds, be it banks, funds or other companies do not issue funds without the necessary confirmation. You can, of course, try to get a grant. However, the companies that issue them approach the selection of applicants even more strictly.

What to look for when attracting investors

2. How to attract investors - necessary conditions 📋

The goal of any investor is to increase the funds he has. Most of them know that income bank deposits barely covers the inflation rate. Therefore, such investments investors completely not satisfied .

Investors are striving for a level of income that will not only offset price increases, but also ensure a comfortable life.

All this explains why those who have significant amounts of money are looking for such companies in order to invest in them funds that will be able to provide them with sufficient income.

Beginning businessmen, when starting to search for a potential investor, should perceive him not as a creditor, but as a partner. It turns out that the businessman invests an idea into the project, and the investor invests his own money. Therefore, such a deal should be beneficial for both parties.

Most professionals agree that search for investors– the task is not that difficult. The main thing here is to be smart present your idea. You will also need to convince the owner of the funds that investing in the project will be quite promising and will bring significant income.

When telling an investor about a project, you should cover the following topics as fully as possible:

  • uniqueness and demand for the product/service offered for production;
  • the size of the required investments;
  • in what timeframe it is planned to recoup the investment;
  • expected level of profit;
  • What is the return on investment guarantee?

If a businessman correctly characterizes each of these issues, the chances of convincing the investor that the project can really bring good profits are will increase significantly. As a result, the investor will decide to allocate funds for it.

3. How to find an investor from scratch - a step-by-step guide to finding an investor for a business 📝

When looking for an investor, it is important to act consistently in accordance with the recommendations developed by professionals. Thus You will be able to achieve success in finding investors faster.

In the process of searching for investment sources, it is important to take into account the interests of the owner of the funds. It is important to understand that investors are guided by their own commercial interests when making investments.

Potential investors not interested , how innovative the activity will be, and whether it will bring profit to the business owner. They are concerned about the increase, as well as the safety of their capital.

For some investors not important business ideas, as they are looking for passive income, tired of actively developing a business. They have already managed to earn initial capital by working hard. Now the only desire of such investors is for the available funds to make a profit, and at the same time they would not have to do anything.

At the same time, they are looking for investment options that will bring greater income than traditional investments - , mutual funds and similar financial instruments.

Step-by-step instructions on where and how to look for an investor to start a business

Therefore, when looking for an investor, it is important to convince him that they can get such an income. It is of great importance to follow the step-by-step instructions, which we will describe below. This will help increase the chances of quickly and efficiently finding the necessary funds.

Step #1. Drawing up a business plan

First of all, when choosing an investment property, investors pay attention to the business plan. It must be properly executed, otherwise the likelihood of receiving funds may disappear.

A properly drawn up business plan must contain the following information:

  • project description;
  • calculation of the required amount of money;
  • analysis of the commercial benefits that the investor will receive;
  • the payback period of the project, that is, after what period of time the first income will be received;
  • what are the prospects for further development of the organization.

Everything should inspire confidence– from the quality of the paper on which the document is printed and the folder in which it is placed, to the use of professional graphic editors when preparing the necessary diagrams.

We wrote in more detail in a separate publication.

Step #2. Choosing a suitable form of cooperation

Cooperation between a business owner and an investor can take various forms. It is important to analyze in advance which of them may be most effective for a company seeking funds.

Investors agree to provide funds, receiving income in the following ways:

  1. as a percentage of the invested amount;
  2. as a percentage of profit during the entire duration of the project;
  3. as a share in the business.

The business owner, having decided which option is more acceptable to him, must indicate it in the business plan. However, it is often difficult for a new businessman to find the necessary funds.

Therefore, if a potential investor categorically disagrees with the chosen model, wanting to use another option for cooperation, it should be assessed. Often It’s better to agree to the investor’s terms than being left without money.

Step #3. Enlist the help of experienced businessmen

Aspiring entrepreneurs can be sure: no one will understand them better than experienced businessmen who have been working successfully in the same field for a long time. Many of them willingly advise newcomers on how to proceed. This is especially true in cases where when mutually beneficial cooperation is possible between them in the future.

Often, experienced businessmen take newcomers under their wing: they can invest money in their ideas or recommend the project for investment to other investors. Even if this does not happen, it is quite possible that professionals will give advice and recommendations that will help in the future.

Step #4. Negotiation

Often a positive decision from investors to invest in a project determined by competent negotiations . Even those who easily get along with people should carefully prepare for the meeting.

It will be necessary not only to convince a potential investor of the prospects of the project, but also to answer all the questions he has. Therefore, it is advisable to think in advance about what a businessman might be asked and prepare reasonable answers.

From the first meeting, investors usually expect a competent presentation of the project, as well as a business plan.

It would be useful for a businessman to invite a specialist who participated in the development of the project to negotiations. It is quite possible that he will explain all the nuances of the project much more competently, as well as answer any questions that arise.

Step #5. Conclusion of an agreement

The final stage of negotiations, if an agreement is reached, is signing a cooperation or investment agreement. It is important to carefully study absolutely all the terms of the drawn up contract; it would be useful to involve a professional lawyer in this process.

It is important to ensure that the agreement stipulates:

  • duration of cooperation;
  • investment amount;
  • rights, as well as obligations that are assigned to the parties.

In accordance with the agreement, funds are transferred to the businessman under certain conditions. Their essence is that money must be invested specifically in the implementation of the project .

It is important for the investor that the signed agreement excludes the possibility of using funds beyond the intended purpose, even part of the invested money should not go to needs not related to the implementation of the project.

Conclusion of an investment agreement - sample

An example of an investment agreement can be downloaded from the link below:

(example, sample)

Thus, it is important to maintain a certain consistency in attracting investor funds. A businessman should focus on the above step by step instructions. Then raising funds will be as effective as possible.

The main ways and where you can find investors

4. Where to find an investor - 6 options for attracting investment 🔎💸

We have already written about how important it is to draw up a competent business plan at the first stage of searching for an investor. However, not all businessmen know where to next look for someone who will agree to provide funds for the implementation of their project.

However, there are several options, and each of them deserves close attention from a businessman.

Option 1. Close people

Finding investors to finance a business – not an easy task. Therefore, it is advisable to involve as many relatives and friends as possible in this process. This option is ideal for those who are just starting their own business and have neither experience nor popularity. Moreover, loans from relatives and friends are less risky.

If the project does not require large initial investments, it can be offered to be financed by close people for a small percentage, which will be paid when the business becomes profitable.

Option 2. Businessmen

In all cities (especially large ones) there are a large number of businessmen who have already earned capital. Now they want to receive passive income by investing money in some profitable business.

It makes sense to turn to such businessmen to receive funds to develop their own business.

Most often, merchants issue money according to one of 2 (two) schemes:

  • in the form of a loan with payment of interest;
  • as a share in a new business project.

It should be understood that the second method leads to a significant restriction of the freedom of decision-making of a novice businessman. Therefore, you should think several times before choosing this option.

Option 3. Funds

Another way to find investors for a business is special funds - investment And assistance to small businesses. However, obtaining funds from such companies can be difficult.

You will have to prove that the new business project is viable enough. It should also be taken into account that a newcomer to the field of entrepreneurship must have own funds, which he wants to invest in the project along with those attracted. Therefore, funds are more suitable for those who already have an existing business.

So that the decision to invest funds is positive , you will need to analyze the current activities of the company, as well as formulate a plan for its further development.

Those looking for an investor should also look into the activities of government funds. They often provide funds to the most promising business projects, organizing competitions for this purpose.

Option 4. Venture investment

This option is quite widespread in some developed countries. If you want to attract money to your business using venture investment It should be borne in mind that such funds invest only in risky projects with great prospects.

In this case, business projects are most often financed innovation sphere , Sciences , and IT technologies .

Less often, but still, venture funds are invested in trade, as well as the service sector.

We wrote in detail about venture investments, in particular what they exist and what they do, in a separate article.

When investing in a business, venture funds want to receive regular income. For this purpose, they take over a share of the business. Moreover, they own part of the company for only a few years, after which they sell it to third parties.

Option 5. Business incubators

A business incubator is a special platform created for the purpose of implementing various business projects. To receive investment funds through an incubator, it is important to draw up a competent business plan.

In addition, you will need to win a competition or successfully pass a special interview.

Option 6. Banks

If you can’t find an investor, you can try to apply for a bank account. However, getting a large enough amount is often difficult. Therefore, this method of searching for an investor is suitable when when needed small amount investments.

Credit institutions demand enough from potential borrowers high requirements. To receive money, you may need to provide property as collateral, guarantors, and collect a large list of various documents.

If a loan applicant cannot fulfill at least one requirement of the credit institution, he will not be able to receive a loan.

Thus, searching for an investor for business– it’s not an easy and rather lengthy matter. Therefore, a businessman will need a lot of patience. It is important to evaluate all possible options and analyze emerging risks. Then you can be sure that your search will be crowned with success.

There is an article on our website in which we talked about where and how to properly draw up a promissory note - we recommend reading it.

Basic rules for finding investors and their investments

5. 5 important rules for finding investors 📌

Every day a huge number of different business projects appear that require investment of funds. The owner of an idea does not always have the necessary capital. However, most ideas require quick start and development. In this regard, huge number of businessmen are looking for an investor to implement the project.

Often this process is delayed, and often completely ends in failure. To increase your chances of success, it is important to follow 5 (five) basic rules. They allow businessmen to be more confident in finding an investor, as well as approach the selection process wisely.

Rule #1. The search should begin as early as possible

Every businessman must understand that searching for an investor is a long process. A lot of time passes from the moment they start until the funds are received.

That's why start You should look for an investor as early as possible. Ideally, this should be done when future activities have been planned, and it has also become clear how best to present the benefits of the project to potential investors.

It's important to understand that the risk of the investor is higher than that of the project owner. It is the one who invests money in business who risks his capital, loss of time and reputation.

Therefore, he has the right to suspend investment of funds or even negotiations if he decides that the risk level is too high for him.

Moreover, investors usually carefully study the company in which they plan to invest money. They analyze the history of the company, its successes and failures, and prospects for further development. All this leads to the fact that it is better to start looking for an investor in the early stages.

Own funds invested in a business usually run out very quickly. As a result, a sharp rise at the beginning of the project may give way to a fall even before the start of investment receipts, and this situation may alienate most investors.

Rule #2. It is important to collect as much information as possible about a potential investor

When looking for an investor, it is not the best decision to cooperate with the first one who offers his capital. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the prospective investor.

In this case, you should find out:

  • what areas does it usually invest in;
  • possible volumes of invested funds;
  • investor preferences regarding the method and principles of cooperation.

All collected data should be compared with the desires of the businessman himself. You should cooperate with the best investor. This means the most optimal, not the largest and most popular.

It's important to understand that any interaction with an investor should take place in the form of mutually beneficial cooperation.

At the same time, both the businessman and the investor themselves must imagine what stage of interaction they are at, as well as what will happen next.

A good investor, if he knows why, will provide significant assistance in the development of the project. A bad one will ruin even a great idea.

When assessing the investment amount, worth understanding, which, if necessary, 50-100 thousand dollars there is no point in turning to someone who traditionally invests millions. The same can be said in the opposite case: there is no point in going for big investments to someone who simply doesn’t have them.

A large amount of collected information can make it easier for a businessman to participate in the negotiation process with an investor. You can think through a rough plan of negotiations in advance, and also decide what questions you can ask the investor.

Moreover, if there is sufficient information can be predicted, what questions the owner of the funds will ask the businessman, and decide how to answer them. Information about an investor's previous investments can be very helpful during negotiations.

Even before meeting with an investor, a businessman must decide how he will behave during the negotiation process. The investor must believe that a businessman needs not just money, but mutually beneficial cooperation.

If high-quality contact is established between the parties, you can be sure that the interaction will be beneficial for both parties.

There are many examples in history that with good relationships between businessman and investor even if there were errors and small failures, they were still provided. Ultimately, success was achieved in the activity.

Rule #3. The amount of investment must be carefully planned

A businessman must remember that the investment amount must be indicated specifically in numbers, not a range. An investor will almost certainly refuse to invest if he is asked for an amount from 100 to 200 thousand dollars.

In this case, the owner of the funds may have a huge number of questions, which will almost certainly lead the negotiations to a dead end.

A businessman must tell the investor a specific amount , which should be reasonable. The size of the investment must take into account all possible scenarios that could cause the range to arise.

Rule #4. Focus on goals

When developing company development goals for which you need to raise funds, do not use them too much globalize.

Ideas that are too large, as well as the desire to cover a large number of issues, usually cause investors to doubt that it is possible to successfully implement them.

Therefore, the goals that a businessman sets must be as specific as possible . They must be limited by capabilities as well as needs. A businessman’s goals should be specified even before he finds an investor.

Even in cases where in the future it is planned to develop the project to a global scale, you should not immediately describe this idea globally. Such interpretations usually repel investors.

Those who have experience in investing, as well as developing business projects, agree with the opinion that with globalization, forces and resources are dispersed, but proper efficiency is not achieved.

Therefore, an investor should be sought under solving specific problems And business issues.

Rule #5. You should be as honest and open as possible

In the process of negotiating, and subsequently when drawing up reports, a businessman should not lie And keep back.

In the process of conducting business, it is quite normal to deviate from the original plan, but such facts cannot be hidden from the investor . He has the right to be aware of the current situation.

At the same time, it is important to explain to the investor the reasons for the deviation from the plan, what this may lead to, and how it is planned to proceed further.

Compliance with all the above rules increases the chances that a good investor will be found. And this is precisely the key to a successful start of any activity.

6. Providing professional assistance in finding investors 📎

Those who are unable to find an investor for their business on their own can turn to professional help.

There are special platforms on the Internet that help not only those who want to invest, but also those who are looking for capital to develop their activities.

The most famous Russian-language sites are 2 (two) sites:


The resource's specialization is search for investments for investments both in operating and mothballed businesses. To use the services, just register and then contact those who provide the funds. The resource allows you to save not only time, but also energy.

Company specialists conduct business analysis, after which its strengths are determined. This is done absolutely free and helps attract investors. The resource has been investing for more than ten years.

By registering on the site, a businessman gets in touch with several dozen investors at once. This significantly increases the chances of receiving funds. The cost of the investor search service is calculated individually for each user. However, you do not need to pay anything until you receive the funds.

Using the site's services is very simple. Just go through a few steps:

  • submit your application;
  • get a free consultation from a company employee;
  • sign an agreement with the company on the provision of intermediary services;
  • the resource itself conducts negotiations with the investor;
  • businessman enters into a mutually beneficial deal with an investor.

2) Start2Up

This resource is a kind of bulletin board on which they post investor proposals, entrepreneurs, startupers looking for business partners.

Thanks to the site, those who have funds can find where to invest them. At the same time, budding businessmen have the opportunity to enter into an agreement with investors who are ready to support their project.

All advertisements posted on the site are divided into groups depending on the region, as well as the field of activity.

The most popular business areas here are:

  • Internet;
  • IT technologies;
  • education;
  • art as well as culture;
  • the science;
  • real estate.

There are also other promising areas of activity.

The site's users include hundreds of businessmen and investors. These are people not only from Russia, but also from Belarus, as well as a number of European countries. Therefore, the chances of those who register on the site to find an investor increase significantly.

The site contains several hundred offers buy out a startup, invest funds in different areas of business, and improve existing production facilities.

In addition, with the help of the project, you can purchase or sell the property of ready-made companies. You can follow the news of the portal using the Facebook group.

Thus, those who find it difficult to find an investor for their project can turn to popular Internet resources for help.

Don’t forget about the site’s crowdfunding as well. Thanks to (a type of crowdfunding), it is also possible to attract capital from interested platform participants for a share in a startup.

7. Answers to frequently asked questions 📑

The topic of finding investors is quite complex. Therefore, businessmen have a huge number of questions in this regard. The publication would not be complete if we did not answer the most frequently encountered questions.

Question 1. Where can I get money for my business?

Finding money to grow a business can be a daunting task for any new entrepreneur. This especially concerns the formation and further startup development. Develop any business project without raising funds practically impossible. We wrote about what stages it should go through, how to attract money, etc., in a separate article.

Every aspiring entrepreneur is looking for his own options for finding an investor. That’s why it’s so important to reconsider how you can find funds.

Method 1. Accumulate

This option is the simplest. Having accumulated money, the entrepreneur will not become financially dependent on other people; he will be able to run the business completely independently, without reporting to anyone and without giving away part of the profit to anyone.

At the same time, to save money, you only need great desire, as well as financial self-discipline. It is enough to optimize your own expenses to start saving money. With due diligence, already for 6 -12 months you can raise a significant amount of money.

This option is suitable for those who know how to save. If you manage to save for a major purchase or vacation, this method of finding funds will probably suit you. Moreover, this option helps you learn an optimal attitude towards money, which will definitely come in handy in the future when implementing a business project.

Method 2. Take out a loan

Those businessmen who have a good understanding of the rules of financial discipline may well take Bank loan for the development of activities.

The danger of this method is that at the very beginning of business, companies almost always operate on the brink of loss. Therefore, there is a high probability that there will simply be nothing to pay off the loan.

This method is suitable only for those who are confident that the business will become profitable even before the loan payments begin. It is worth understanding that credit institutions startups rarely invest. Much more often they issue loans for the development of an existing business. However, the decision is always made individually.

A businessman should definitely take into account that interest in most cases is at least 15%. In addition, it is important to contact banks with a good reputation.

To simplify the task for businessmen, the table shows the best banks for small and medium-sized businesses.

Method 3. Government subsidies

The state is trying actively support small businesses. Any aspiring entrepreneur can take part in competitions for subsidies.

If you wish, you can contact the Employment Center to receive a self-employment grant. The amount for this program varies by region, but on average it is 90-100 thousand rubles.

In addition, so-called incubators have been created in the country (most often on the basis of the largest higher educational institutions that teach the subject of “economics”).

Such structures are financed from the budget. The goal of such organizations is to create favorable conditions for business development.

Method 4. Close people

This option can be considered a last resort, since doing business with relatives and friends can be very difficult. Nobody likes to just give away their money, so even close people should be interested. You can offer them a share in the business.

There are also advantages to this method of raising funds. Firstly, it is easier to agree with loved ones on the timing of the return of money. Secondly, receiving funds is much faster, since you do not need to collect a large number of documents and also wait for a decision from third parties.

Method 5. Private investors

In some cases, there are simply no other options other than borrowing money from private investors. You can get funds from private investors quite easily quickly and without unnecessary problems.

Most large cities have Internet sites that post relevant advertisements. At the same time, to obtain a loan it is enough confirm your identity and write a receipt. Some private investors require mandatory notarization of this document.

Question 2. Where to start looking for an investor for a small business?

There are several basic steps that will help a novice investor navigate the process of finding an investor.

Step 1: Making a plan

A businessman must develop a high-quality business plan, which he will use as a presentation to people who invest money in the business. It is the plan that will help convince the investor that the businessman’s project is capable of generating significant profits.

Important so that the business plan contains not only a description of the company itself, but also a study of its position in the market, as well as further development prospects.

Step 2. Choose an investment scheme

There are several possible options for raising funds. Investors can buy new equipment, by providing a loan at certain interest rates. Others invest, demanding in exchange for a share in the company .

In any case, a businessman should decide in advance which of the schemes is most suitable for him. It would be useful to indicate this in the business plan itself.

Step 3. Help from professionals

Experienced businessmen can provide valuable advice on both raising funds and running a business.

Step 4. Search for online resources on investing

There are sites on the Internet that allow you to present projects to business angels. After posting information about themselves on such resources, businessmen often note an increase in the number of offers from investors.

Question 3. I am looking for an investor to start a business from scratch/into an existing business. What portals/sites and forums should I look on?

Popular Internet resources (websites, forums, portals) for searching for investors

The development of Internet technologies has made it possible to significantly simplify the procedure for finding investors. There are quite a large number of Internet resources that help in this difficult task.

Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Starttrack.ru is a popular investor search portal. There is an opportunity to post information about your business project. If it passes approval, the chances of attracting investors will increase significantly.
  2. Ventureclub.ru– a resource that allows you to find fairly large investors.
  3. Napartner.ru- is a regular bulletin board on which investors post information about themselves.
  4. Mypio.ru– here you can place information about your business project. Advertisements on this portal are viewed daily by a large number of investors.
  5. Startuppoint.ru– a project with a huge number of proposals from investors. If today there is no suitable option here, it is quite possible to post information about the project for viewing by potential investors.

Question 4. Where to look for an investor for a startup or how to find an investor to implement an idea?

A businessman must remember that the most suitable place to look for an investor is where the maximum number of them gathers. It can be various exhibitions, and presentation events. As part of such events, round tables of money owners are usually organized where you can get to know the future investor. This option is quite simple, however its effectiveness is highly questionable. Such events are held extremely rarely; meeting the right person also happens here not easy.

Another easy option– investing in a new business project by diverting funds from an old, already developed one. Naturally, this method is unacceptable for novice entrepreneurs.

You can find private investors on various Internet resources. You can find a large number of business investment proposals. But don't forget that areas of large accumulation of funds are infested with a huge number of scammers. Often, businessmen are offered to contribute a certain amount of money to start investing under various pretexts.

It is considered a good way to attract investment investment broker assistance. For a small commission, the businessman shifts the worries of finding an investor onto someone else's shoulders. In this case, you will have to pay only upon the issuance of funds.

The help of business angels is often considered effective.. However, today there are too few of them for a large number of applicants. In addition, they often demand a significant share in the business being created.

Incubators do not have the purpose of investing in projects. They are created to provide businesses with optimal conditions for development.

Question 5. How to search for foreign investors? Where to find foreign investors who will give money?

At the moment, there are several ways to find a foreign investor who is interested in your business:

  1. Using the intermediary services of public or private commercial structures in searching for investment proposals;
  2. By posting information about a project (startup, idea) on specialized sites (investment project databases);
  3. Participating in various specialized exhibitions and fairs.

On investment market Many different agencies are successfully operating, providing professional services for finding foreign investors. It is important for potential foreign investors to see the prospects of your business project.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

If you have read the publication to the end, rest assured that you have received enough information to attract an investor. It is important to remember that this process is not easy and requires high-quality preparation.

A businessman must remember that even if he finds sufficient funds, there is no guarantee that the project will be successful.

Finding an investor is only the initial stage, a small part of a long and difficult journey.

Having spent money, a businessman must make every effort to achieve the desired return from it.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about collective investments (crowdfunding) - what is it and how does it work:

And also an interesting webinar “How to attract investment in business” from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

The site magazine team wishes you good luck and success in attracting a good investor and, of course, success in the further development of your business. If you have any comments or questions on the topic, please ask them in the comments below.